Full text: Proceedings of Symposium on Remote Sensing and Photo Interpretation (Volume 2)

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Figure 1. All image segments are at a scale of 1:1,000,000. 
a. 1368-18373-5 26th July, 1974. 113 C 30 1 W, 67°30'N, Northwest Territories. 
Unaltered quartzites and dolomites of Proterozoic age underly this area 
near the northwest margin of the Precambrian Shield. Bedding trends are 
seen most clearly in the parallel alignment of lakes and streams. 
b. 1368-18373-7 26th July, 1973. 111°30'W, 67°N, Northwest Territories. 
A part of the Slave structural province, a rigid archaean platform known 
to have been stable for at least 2.5 billion years. The highly meta 
morphosed greywackes, mudstones, volcanics and granitic rocks now have 
a relatively uniform resistance to erosion. Long interconnecting fracture 
planes are typical of this area. Low ridges, when present, often define 
the direction of foliation. 
c. 1422-18395-7 18th Sept. 1973. 122°W, 55°30'N, British Columbia. 
The left half of the image shows the front range of the Rocky Mountains 
80 km. southwest of Dawson Creek. The parallel ridge and valley texture 
of these Lower Palaeozoic rocks is quite typical for the Rocky Mountains. 
To the right of the image, thick Jurassic and Cretaceous sediments 
underly the Alberta Plateau. 
d. 1443-15323-7 9th October, 1973. 78°30'W, 47°30'N, Quebec. 
The finger-like pattern of swirls represents folding in the Archaean 
gneisses of the Grenville Province. The junction or "front" between 
Grenville and Superior rocks is located along the line where the linear 
pattern disappears. As the Grenville front is approached the gneissic 
foliation pattern is replaced by a fracture pattern parallel to the front. 
e. 1421-20143-7 17th Sept. 1973. 138°W, 65°30'N, Yukon. 
Resistant limestone beds of Mid-Devonian age outline an echelon sequence 
of west plunging folds. These are a part of the Taiga-Nahoni Fold Belt, 
a subdivision of the Northern Yukon Tectonic complex. 
f. 1438-15012-7 4th October, 1973. 67°30'W, 56°N, Quebec. 
A part of the Central Labrador Fold Belt. The intricate onion-like 
patterns are produced from interbedded sediments and gabbro sills, folded 
and thrust into complex structures. Many of the lakes are located on 
dislocation planes. 
g. 1332-16570-7.20th June 1973. 93°30'W, 58°30'N, Manitoba 
A vast area of bog and swamp developed on Lower and Middle Silurian rocks, 
at the southwest margin of Hudson Bay. A pattern of raised beaches 
follows the coast where the ice is just showing signs of break up. This 
area which lies immediately east of the port of Churchill, is one of the 
main breeding grounds of the Polar bear. 
h. 1221-14591-5 1st. March 1973. 67°30'W, 51°N. Quebec, 
A texture occurring only in the Proterozoic rocks of the eastern part 
of Grenville Province. The rounded hills have steeper slopes towards 
the north and gentle slopes to the south, presumably reflecting the 
southward movement of ice.

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