Full text: Proceedings of Symposium on Remote Sensing and Photo Interpretation (Volume 2)

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Geländereliefs betont die Möglichkeiten, welche durch Profilschraffen 
einer Orthophotoproduktion eröffnet werden. Durch die Untersuchung eines 
Dolinen gebeites mit Hilfe eines Quantimet wird eine quantitative Analyse 
auf Grund von Densitätseigenschaften demonstriert. Schliesslich wird eine 
quantitative Analyse mittels RichtungsStrukturen durch eine Untersuchung 
von einigen Gelände formen beschrieben, wobei von Methoden des optischen 
Filterung mittels kohärentem Licht (Laser) Gebrauch gemacht wird. 
The rather spectacular development of image recording techniques in recent 
years has overshadowed to some extent the equally important developments in the 
field of image analysis. The diversity and quantity of images now being produced, 
on the other hand, invite a study into more sophisticated interpretation techniques. 
Image interpretation for the study of terrain rests on the study of relief and/or of 
density characteristics. Relief characteristics and photographic densities or tonal 
signatures can be applied to the identification of terrain features and also serve 
for mapping the spatial distribution of the latter. 
Relief characteristics are generally more important as indicators in geomorphol- 
ogical studies than density characteristics since they are directly related to land- 
form. Optimum conditions for relief analysis (section 2) are offered by stereos 
copic vertical aerial photographs. Orthophotographs have special merits. Stereos 
copic study of other types of images, such as oblique photographs and SLAR 
images, though less satisfactory, is also of importance. In the case of photo 
graphs taken from orbiting satellites or other space vehicles only the major ter 
restrial relief can be seen three-dimensionally but stereoscopy, if obtainable, is 
nevertheless a considerable help. 
If no stereoscopy can be obtained, the relief characteristics are only revealed 
through shadow patterns, drainage networks, textures, etc. , and thus have to be 
studied through density characteristics. The density patterns of hilly and moun 
tainous terrain resulting from the reflectance/emittance characteristics of the 
objects (MINNUS, 1967; STEINER-GUTERMANN, 1966) and the sensitivity 
characteristics of the recording system, are strongly affected by the exposure 
of the slopes, by shadows, etc. Density analysis of areas of relief is thus of 
limited value only. 
Grey tones or photographic densities only rank second in importance in image 
analysis for the study of terrain as compared to the interpretation of the

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