Full text: Proceedings of Symposium on Remote Sensing and Photo Interpretation (Volume 2)

707 - 
n this 
y this an 
( 1 ) 
reter of 
set, then 
( 2 ) 
fblem, the 
)set of a 
m element 
E = e kj e ^ e ... w e ( 6 ) 
12 3m 
The terms on the right hand side of the equation can be arranged in 
any sequence as long as the single interpreters of the specific tech 
nical science do not have to observe any weights (quality attributes) 
or any other conditions. If an interpretation result has been obtained 
according to equation ( 6 ), we speak of an internal interpretation. 
This also applies to equation (2), since for j = 1 the equations ( 6 ) 
and ( 2 ) are identical. 
With technically limited objectives of interpretation the method 
of internal interpretation is in common use and predominantly applied 
in practice. 
But as a rule, a photograph contains a great deal more informa 
tion than is necessary for a technically limited objective or rather, 
than is considered necessary. In case of a specific objective of 
interpretation, we may therefore ask whether 
(a) the interpretation result 
(b) the reliability (likelihood) of this result 
can be increased (essentially) by means of an integral interpretation. 
By integral interpretation we understand an interpretation method, 
which incorporates all interpretation data obtained for the same region 
by other technical sciences. 
Description of the "Integral Interpretation" Method 
According to (2) be 
e^ = interpretation result 
obtained by one interpreter ( 7 ) 
of the different 
technical sciences k = 1 , 2 , 3 ••• 
referred to a certain region. 
If the interpretation datum a.^.» shall at all times only be an element 
of the interpretation result e^, then applies according to (4) and (5) 
a ik* 4- e (k'+q) 
( 8 ) 
with (k'+q) i= 1 and q = whole number. 
If the individual interpretation results e^ are considered as subset 
of a basic set (E), then is according to (3) 
-ing to

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