Full text: Proceedings of Symposium on Remote Sensing and Photo Interpretation (Volume 2)

work a technical system (capable to learn by iterative steps) would / 5 , 
have to accomplish in automated photo-interpretation. 
In conclusion, the importance of landscape research for auto 
mated photo-interpretation will be shortly pointed out /2". The division 
of the landscape into units (geographical analysis, ecological ana 
lysis) which have on account of the interplay of structural elements 
the same kind of structure, would in particular then be of interest /6, 
for the methods of interpretation and above all for automated 
photo-interpretation, if from these units (after extensive abstrac 
tions) a limited number of models for the characterization of certain 
landscape structures could be derived such as 
models for the characterization of the physical (inorganic) 
structure of the landscape. 
Corresponding models for the characterization of the biological /?/ 
(organic) and anthropogenic structure of the landscape should follow. 
The integration of these models could lead to a synthesis, to a 
model for the characterization of the geographical structure of the 
specific landscape. First steps in that direction have already been 
made /'ll/, / 12 /, / 13 /. 
/ 8 / 
/ 1 / 1970: Empfehlungen des Internationalen Sympo 
siums der ISP-Comraission VII -Photointer- 
Dresden 1970, S. 999 ..* 
Berichte des III. Internationalen Sympo- /9/ 
siums für Photointerpretation Dresden 
/ 2 / Schmidt-Falkenberg, H. /1C 
1970: Interne und integrale Photointerpreta 
tion. - Berichte des III. Internationa 
len Symposiums für Photointerpretation 
Dresden 1970 /1 1 
(siehe auch Bildmessung und Luftbild 
wesen, Karlsruhe 1970/5) 
/ 3 / Schmidt-Falkenberg, H. /12 
1972: Berichte für den XII. Internationalen 
Kongreß für Photogrammetrie in Ottawa 
1972 (Arbeitsgruppe VIl/l: Experimen 
telle Untersuchungen in der Photointer- /13 
in deutscher und englischer Sprache 
/4/ Neidhardt, P., 1971* Möglichkeiten der Einführung des Wertbe 
griffs in die Informationstheorie. 
Internationale Elektronische Rundschau, 
Berlin (Ost), ( 1971 ) 11

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