Full text: Proceedings of Symposium on Remote Sensing and Photo Interpretation (Vol. 2)

The measurements have been done with the Kern PG 2 in the Institute of Geodesy 
and Photogrammetry of the Faculty of Forestry, University of Istanbul and with 
the Zeiss-set in the Gastlabor of the Zeiss-factory in Oberkochen. The authors 
wish to express their best thanks for cooperation and assistance to Prof. 
Dr. Kemal Erkin and to the Zeiss-staff, especially to Mr. Send. 
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Kraus, K. 
1974: Ein allgemeines digitales Geländemodell Samml. Wichmann 
Neue Folge Bd. 5 "Nummerische Photogrammetrie" S. 225 - 245. 
Schwebe1, R. 
1971: Neue Instrumente zur Digitalisierung von photogram 
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S . 48-54.

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