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cation programs, which produced a seven category land use map
in color, using a simple and universally available method
suggested by Smedes, Spencer, and Thomson (1971, p. 2078).
The method consists of recycling the output paper of a standard
computer line printer several times, mounting a different color
ribbon on the printer each time. Utilization of overprinting
in combination with the various color ribbons available (we
used red, blue, and green, which are available from IBM Corp.
for the 1403 printer) provides a large number of potential map
colors and enabled us to produce a 15 x 20 foot map of the
study area, at a scale of 1:24,000, with 1.1 acre cells.
As most of the work for this paper was carried out by a
graduate student in regional planning without an extensive
background in quantitative analysis, it would seem that the
potential for exploitation of the inherent advantages of machine
processing of ERTS digital tapes is not limited to any particular
discipline. While intrinsically more difficult to interpret
than the photographic product, the flexibility of the tape data
indicates that most users would find the investment in time
necessary to acquire some skills in their use quite profitable.
The author is most indebted to Dr. H. N. Kritikos, Mr. L.
Yorinks, and Mr. Mohamad Tavakoli, all of the Moore School of
Electrical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, whose initial
provision of digital tapes and some basic processing routines
made this work possible. The author has also benefitted greatly
from discussions with Dr. E. Bruce MacDougall of the Department
of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning, University of
Dhar, H., D. Meagher, R. Mills, R. Pierson, S. Sadler and
C. Watson.
1974: Regional Environmental Assessment Procedure. Office
of Planning and Research, Department of Environmental
Resources, Harrisburg, Pa. (in press).
Smedes, H. W., M. M. Spencer and F. J. Thomsen.
1971: Reprocessing of ERTS Data Channels to Make Computer
Terrain Maps of a Yellowstone National Park Test Site.
Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on
Remote Sensing of Environment, Willow Run Labs,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, V. Ill, pp. 2073-
2094 .