Full text: Proceedings of Symposium on Remote Sensing and Photo Interpretation (Volume 2)

it were exposed at a distance of two feet above the targets at 
the time of each pass. While the effects of atmospheric absorp 
tion and scattering on the light impinging on the targets are 
included in the normalized relative target reflectance, the 
absorption and scattering of the target’s reflected light and 
the contribution of general scattering viewed by the camera dur 
ing flight is not included. 
The spectral transmittance of the transparencies was measured on 
a Leitz MPV microspectrophotometer equipped with an in-line 
monochrometer. A 0.12 mm monochrometer fixed slit opening was 
used resulting in the passage of 50 percent of the peak trans 
mission in a passband of 1.2 to 7.8 nanometers when used over the 
wavelength range of 380 to 720 nanometers measured in this study. 
The Xenon light source and the type F Photovolt detector allowed 
precise measurements over the measured wavelength range. 
Multiple transmittance measurements were taken at each 10 nanom 
eter interval from 380 to 720 nanometers with a digital voltmeter 
using the average of four readings per interval to reduce the 
noise level. A total of twelve sample spots were selected at 
random within each target. A detector aperture size of 40 mi 
crons square was used for all measurements. Other equipment 
included a paper tape punch and a paper tape to magnetic tape 
interface system. The color analysis was performed on an 
IBM 370/165 (Hansen, 1973). 
The 1960 CIE-UCS u,v chromâticity scale was chosen for color 
description as equal displacements on the UCS diagram corre 
spond to perceptually equal color differences (Wyszecke and 
Stiles, 1967). This scale is a linear transformation on the 
1931 CIE x,y chromaticity diagram and is given by the following 
formulas : 
-2x + I2y + 3 
V = -2x + lly + 3 
In addition to describing the chromaticness in terms of the u,v 
coordinates of the UCS diagram, lightness is expressed in terms 
of the visual transmittance given by the Y tristimulus value: 
= 2 E„ IT (at 10 nm intervals) 
380 C Y X X 

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