Full text: Proceedings of Symposium on Remote Sensing and Photo Interpretation (Volume 2)

ground level derived normalized relative reflectance given in flig 
Figure 2 a,b. Examination of the analytical densities of the ec j ^ 
imaged red target shows that for the June flight A, an increase 
in the magenta and cyan dye densities occurs with increasing Imag 
altitude. The increase in density for this reversal type film is 
in agreement with the decrease in the normalized relative reflect- The 
anee associated with increasing altitude shown in Figure 2. The -^he 
reflectance curves indicate that the greatest reflectance is in ence 
the 600 to 900 nanometer frequencies which corresponds to high fair 
sensitivity frequencies for the magenta and cyan dye layers. The exce 
very low reflectance of the red target in the 500 to 600 nanom- rela 
eter range results in the high yellow analytical density. How- re d 
ever, an anomaly not explained by the normalized reflectance hue 
curves is noted for the yellow dye density. The decrease in the izec 
normalized reflectance in the 500 to 600 nanometers frequency pass 
range associated with increasing altitude should bring about aboi 
greater yellow dye densities at the higher altitudes but the higl 
opposite is true. This contrary-to-expected change is the result of t 
of the additional exposure from light scattering associated with valí; 
increases in altitude. For the imaged red target, the effect of 
scattering is almost entirely expressed in the greater exposure Imag 
of the yellow dye layer since the magenta and cyan dye layers 
were largely exposed by the high target reflectance in the cyan Cole 
and magenta sensitive frequencies. As previously discussed, the leas 
visual transmittance, tristimulus Y, is mostly expressed by the imag 
magenta dye density for color infrared film, thus it responds to 1 
indirectly to the magenta dye density. Data for both the June imag 
and September flights support this conclusion. and 
For the September Flight B, the same patterns generally exist ber 
as discussed for the June flight; a blue-green color shift is alt: 
associated with increased flying height. Reference to the nor 
malized reflectance curves for the September flight (Figure 2b) Cone 
shows that because of a relatively long film exposure (Table 1), 
the red target reflectance at the time of the 6,000 feet pass For 
was slightly more than the reflectance at the time of the 1,500 gree 
feet pass. The dye densities and visual transmittance are in wher 
accord with the normalized relative reflectance and the altitude- crea 
related added exposure from light scattering as presented for 197C 
the June flight. The over exposure of the September 6,000 feet atmc 
pass photography tends to prevent as large a blue-green shift as cont 
ordinarily would be expected from light scattering at this alti- ref] 
tude had exposure remained constant (Figure 3, 2x insert). This magr 
is because light from atmospheric haze contributes a smaller for 
portion of the total film exposure. whit 
The extent of the imaged red target color shifts associated with Ovei 
increasing altitude of photography is given in terms of Munsell expc 
renotation (Table 2). A two step hue shift from 5.0 Y to 10.0 Y, cole 
a value shift of 8.3 to 7.1 and a chroma shift of 16.4 to 9.3 anee 
was noted for the June flight imaged red target. The September

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