ssed in
( 2 )
ross the
l AgC in
md range,
d BC.
lay-over, the sum of shadow length and lay-over length will be the length AgC of
fig. 4 and equation 4 can be used to find the corresponding height. This shifts the
problem, however, to differentiating lay-over from a highly foreshortened slope
in an image. Recognizing lay-over on the radar image has been found to be ex
tremely difficult in practice in areas with relief. Where a foreshortened slope is
measured erroneously as lay-over a considerable error will be introduced in
height determination.
Especially with the larger depression angles the difference between the equations
2 and 4 will incease. A radar shadow of 10 mm length, on for example images of
a scale 1 : 100, 000 will represent a height of approximately 176 m for a vertical
object scanned under a 10 degree depression angle and a height of 1000 metres
where the depression angle is 45 degrees. For a topographic slope using equation
4 these amounts are respectively 171 m and 500 m.
10 20 30 40 50 60
depression angle ©
Fig. 5a
Height depression angle relation for
a vertical object and a topographic slope
(<T<comp Q ) for a measured shadow
length of 10 mm on the image scale 1:100, 000
Fig. 5b
Shadow length-depression angle relation for
a vertical object and a topographic slope.
(a < comp 0 ), the object and slope having
a height of 200 m, image scale 1:100, 000.
In fig. 5a the height-depression angle relation is given in the dashed curve for a
vertical object with a radar shadow length of 10 mm. The full drawn curve gives
the height-depression angle relation for topographic slopes dipping under an angle
which is smaller than the complement of the depression angle, again for a shadow
length of 10 mm. It can be seen that the differences between height determination
by equation 2 and equation 4 for depression angles greater than 30 degrees become