Full text: Proceedings of Symposium on Remote Sensing and Photo Interpretation (Volume 2)

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E.P. Arjanov, Yu.P. Kienko 
Moscow, USSR 
The multisided and intensive activity of mankind in the field 
of study and utilization of natural resources requires gathering of a large 
volume of complex and special information on the actual state of the 
surface of our planet and on processes taking place upon it. One way of 
obtaining such information is màpping of the Earth for creation of topo 
graphical, geographical, and thematic maps. In the majority of cases, the 
results of observations of various kind (geological, meteorological, 
geochemical, hydrographical, hydrological, etc.) must be mapped together with 
information about distribution of static and dynamic phenomena on the 
planet as a whole and in its single areas as well; it is with the aid of 
the maps that the logical interrelations and dynamics of different processes 
can be determined, the need in natural resources forecast, and planning of 
utilization of energy and raw materials accomplished. It must be underlined 
in this connection, that a topographical or geographical map is the base on 
which information obtained both by investigators and users is reflected. 
Progress achieved in the field of science and technics has 
supplied us with various methods and means of map making and of gathering, 
treatment and utilization of information concerning the Earth Surface. 
In the past, Man was unable to take off from the earth surface, 
and therefore his possibilities of displacements and observations were 
limited. Aviation made a technical revolution in the field of study of 
Nature possible: it secured the possibility of investigation of large 
territories by means of visual observations from aircraft, aerial photography, 
and other methods of high efficiency. 
At present, rapid economic development advances new problems 
in the field of getting local and global cartographic information. These 
problems consist in the necessity to considerably increase the volume of 
information available for a given period or moment of time and covering 
immense territories; to secure its operational treatment in short terms with 
the aim of determining the multisided and complex characteristics of objects 
and phenomena under investigation. A satisfactory solution of all these 
problems can be provided by wide application of space technology that offers 
new types of carriers for research equipment and operators parallel with 
utilization of aviation and new means of obtaining images of the terrain. 
One point of the program of study of the outer space is research 
carried out with the help of orbital stations. 
Utilization of cosmic techniques for investigation of the geo 
sphere opens wide possibilities for scientific progress and for raising the 
efficiency of economic activity.

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