Full text: Proceedings of Symposium on Remote Sensing and Photo Interpretation (Volume 2)

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The improvement of methods of estimation interpretation and 
their automatization is impossible without the use of the complex of new 
types of surveys such as multispectral, telemetry spectrometry, infra 
thermography, radiolocation and so on, as well as the application of 
photos of different scales: beginning with large-scaled and ending with 
ultra small-scaled. The large-scaled aerial survey is to be used only for 
the selected works where high accuracy is required, but for practical 
purposes the minimum scale must be used, as it provides the obtainment of 
necessary results. The survey from different heights is extremely 
progressive for the purpose of inventory on large territories, the periodic 
evaluation of forest resources and their condition. All that gives the 
opportunity to obtain necessary information for planning of national economy. 
1. Belov, S.V., 1960: Aerial photography of forests. Moscow, izd. Nauka. 
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3. Bocharov, M.K., Samoilovich, G.G., 1964: Mathematical base for inter 
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4. Demidiv, E.S., Sukhih, V.I., 1974: New technology of forest inventory 
based on the rational combination of ground survey with laboratory 
interpretation. Moscow, NTO lesnoy promyshlennosti i lesnogo 
5. Zhirin, V.M., 1969: Application of aerial methods in inventory of 
desert forests. Voprosy lesoustroistva, vip. I, Moscow, v/o 
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6. Sinitsin, S.G., Sukhih, V.I., 1968: Efficiency of spectrozonal aerial 
photography application in interpretation for forest management 
purposes. Moscow, TSBNTI Gosleskhoza SSSR. 
7. Samoylovich, G.G., 1956: Techniques of study of forest stands for 
interpretation of aerial photographs and forest estimation. 
Leningrad, izd. LTA. 
8. Samoylovich, G.G., 1964: Application of aerial photography materials 
and aviation in forestry. Moscow, izd. Lesnaya promishlennost. 
9. Samoylovich, G.G., Kropov, P.A. 1972: Results of application of aerial 
photographs for pathological interpretation of forest stands. 
Zaschita lesa, nauchnie trudy LTA N 144, Leningrad. 
10. Samoylovich, G.G., 1967: Field practice with aerial photographs in 
forest estimation. Leningrad, izd. LTA.

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