Full text: Proceedings of an International Workshop on New Developments in Geographic Information Systems

Figure 11. Left Image Test Area (as in Fig. 10) 
This work has been carried out with the financial support of the Programma Nazionale di Ricerche in Antartide. 
• Book 
Digital Ortho Module users guide, ERDAS Incorporated, August 1992. 
IMAGINE OrthoMAX- User's Manual, Version 8.0.2, ERDAS Incorporated and Autometric Inc., December 1993. 
• Chapter in Book 
A. B. Della Rocca, Luigi Rossi, “Il G.I.S. Baia Terra Nova” In Stato delle Attività del Progetto 3b - 
Telerilevamento, GIS, Banche-dati ed Idrografia, PNRA, ENEA-Progetto Antartide. ANT 95/12, Chapter on 
G.I.S., p. 16, December 1995. 
• Paper in Procedings 
A. B. Della Rocca, “Satellite Remote Sensing Applications in Antarctica “ In Proceedings of the Expert 
Symposium on Space Technologies , Beijing (China), 19-21 September 1994. 
D. Manco, Luigi Rossi, “Notes on the Acquisition of GCP's for Image Georeferentiation” Presented at the Meeting 
"Progetto di Ricerca Glaciologia e Paleoclima", Rome (Italy), 20-21 June 1994. - In Press by “Terra Antartica”. • 
• Thesis and Dissertation 
W. Dempster, Geometric Correction of Remotely Sensed Antarctic Imagery Using GPS Derived GCP's . 
Scholarship, ENEA, p. 55, November 1993. 
B. Mansell, Orthorectification of Remotely Sensed Antarctic Imagery, Scholarship, ENEA, p. 25, December 1994.

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