Yuan Xiuxiao
School of Remote Seneing and Informatics
Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping
39 Luoyu Road, Wuhan, 430070, P.R. of China
Commission |, Working Group 3
KEY WORDS: Accuracy, GPS, Method, Aerial Camera, GPS-supported Single-image Resection, GPS-
supported Bundle Adjustment.
It is common knowledge that we can solve the elements of interior orientation X,,y,,f of aerial camera in
collinearity equation with enough ground control points. However, in the case of vertical photography, the
solution of the normal equation may be faced with singularities because x,,y,,f and Xs, Y.,Z. offset each other.
Therefore, the conventional aerotriangulation solves only the elements of exterior orientation q,o,x, Xs, Y s,Zs
of photograph, whereas the elements of interior orientation x;,y,,f of aerial camera are often determined in
the laboratory. As the laboratory methods can not take into full account the actual conditions in
aerophotography, large deviations often occur.
This paper raises two kinds of GPS-supported determination methods for the elements of interior orientation
of aerial camera for the first time. The basic formula are derived form GPS-supported single-image
resection in space and GPS-supported bundle block adjustment. A set of actual determination results
obtained by camera Wild RC-20 with GPS data from the test field in Taiyuan are given and discussed. The
test has confirmed that the two presented methods are correct in theory and efficient in practice. If several
pictures with carrier phase measurements are taken over a high precision test field before and after an air
photographic mission, the elements of interior orientation of aerial camera can be determined by using GPS-
supported single-image resection in space. The determination method of interior orientation elements in
GPS-supported bundle block adjustment does not pose any major problem for photogrammetric adjustment
but can efficiently correct the systematic errors caused by the high dynamic aerophotography. To
summarize the investigations in this paper can obtain that the dynamic determination methods for the
elements of interior orientation will eventually replace the conventional photogrammetric operation method
where the camera calibration is independent of photo orientation, and revolutionary changes will take place
in the conventional aerotriangulation which had lasted 60 years and more.
coordinate system. X,Y,Z are the object coordinates
1. INTRODUCTION in ground coordinate system. Xx,,y,,f are the elements
of interior orientation of an aerial camera. X,,Y,,Z.
It is common knowledge that the strict mathematical ^ are the coordinates of the photographic station in
relationships between the image points in a ground coordinate system. a,b,c; (i=1,2,3) are the
photograph and their corresponding object points direction cosines of the included angles between the
can be written as follows: corresponding axes of the image space coordinate
| system x,y,z and those of the ground coordinate
system X,Y,Z. They are the function of photo
PES. don a, (X - X,) *b,(Y - Y.) c, (Z - Z,) rotation angles p,œw,x. AX,Ay are corrections of the
0 a X — X) b,(Y - Y.) *C,(2 - Z,) (f) coordinates of image points.
Y-Yo* Ay HUY o If several pictures are taken in accordance with
8,(X - XS) t b,(Y - Y.) t0, (2 - 2,)
certain conditions in an actual test field and the
observation is performed in a high precision
where, x,y are the image coordinates in plate comparator and enough ground control points are
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B1. Vienna 1996