Full text: The role of models in automated scene analysis

Nevatia - 7 
Matching of model and image descriptions is needed for many tasks including that of object 
recognition, scene registration, model validation and updating. Matching of image descriptions 
among multiple images is needed for the task of inferring 3-D structure and motion detection. 
One of the key issues in matching is the level of representation at which matching should be 
performed. The levels used vary from the use of raw intensity values, to the use of features such 
as lines and corners, to use of 3-D surfaces and volumes. In general, matching at lower levels 
requires simpler algorithms, such as correlation or simple distance metrics, but is more 
ambiguous. Matching at higher levels, using complex structures, requires more complex 
algorithms, such as graph matching, but is likely to give more distinctive results. Another issue is 
that of the difficulty of computing the higher level representations and errors caused in this 
process. Thus, the correct level of matching may depend not only on the desired task but on the 
ability of the description processes as well. Another issue to consider is the scale at which the 
matching should take place: in scenes with fixed objects, it may be advantageous to match large 
areas whereas in scenes with many moveable objects, matching needs to be more local. We 
illustrate these choices with a few examples: 
a) Stereo Matching : 
To extract 3-D structure from two or more images, we need to compute correspondences 
between points or features in the multiple images; several approaches are described in [3]. Many 
of the early systems used methods of intensity correlation [4]. These methods work reasonably 
well in presence of random texture and smoothly varying terrain, but are less effective in cultural 
environments with abrupt depth changes and large homogeneous areas (such as in scenes with 
many buildings). We have experimented with matching at the level of line segments [2, 8], 
junctions as well as higher level hypotheses such as surfaces. As stated above, matching at higher 
levels is easier and less ambiguous but it is not always possible to compute the higher level 
hypotheses correctly by monocular analysis. Note that for this task, it is not possible to compute a 
single local transformation as the features are transformed differently depending on their 3-D 
Fig. 7 depicts the final selected rectangles obtained from grouping the matched lines shown 
in Fig. 3. The grouping is based on the formation of parallel matches from line matches across the 
images. The line matches (and parallel matches) may occur in 2 or more images to be used for 
further consideration. Evidence of closure for the parallel matches is a good indication that a 
rectangular structure exists. Note that grouping and matching are intertwined processes i.e. there 
is grouping before and after matching. Coupled with verification, using wall and shadow 
evidence, the final verified hypotheses are made. 
The issue of matching over more than 2 images affords the possibility of pairwise or 
simultaneous matching. Though pairwise matching over all images may be equivalent to 
simultaneous matching, it is, in general, not so. The obvious advantage of pairwise matching is its

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