Full text: The role of models in automated scene analysis

Mulawa - 1 
Several Aspects of Modeling and Stochastic 
Analysis of a Photogrammetric Estimation of a 
3D Straight Line 
David Mulawa 
3513 Bluff View Drive 
St. Charles, MO 63303 USA 
email: mulawa@aol.com 
Over the last several years there has been a considerable interest by the photogrammetric 
research community in the measurement of three dimensional straight lines IL. 
Inherently, the line IL is more geometrically complex than a point in space. This paper 
presents some additional developments for the photogrammetric treatment of the line IL. 
In particular, the stochastic properties are analyzed and a three dimensional probability 
surface is constructed about an estimated line DL. A fundamental point C® related to this 
stochastic surface is presented. The concept of a local reference origin C° and a method 
to compute initial approximations are developed. Also, experimental models for a 
cylinder and a rectangular parallelepiped are given to demonstrate the extendibility of the 
modeling method. 
Description of a Three Dimensional Straight Line IL:{C,p| 
A straight line IL in a three dimensional space can be described by its direction p and a 
fixed point C on the straight line IL:{C,p}. This description of the straight line 
IL :{C,p} uses six parameters, but it known that a straight line IL in a three dimensional 
object space has only four degrees of freedom. Thus, two constraint equations must be 
written between the parameters {C,p}. One constraint is to select a unit length for the 
direction vector iipli-i. Another constraint is to fix one degree of freedom in the 
position of the point C along the straight line IL. One way to do this would be to select 
the point on the straight line IL that is closest to the origin 0 of the coordinate system 
C • p = 0. This last constraint will be examined further in the paper. A point P, on the 
line IL can be determined by the parametric equation: 
P/^C + ^p (1) 
Where, s, is an arc length line parameter associated one to one with the points P t on the 
line IL.

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