Full text: The role of models in automated scene analysis

Mulawa - 10 
Concluding Remarks 
The photogrammetric estimation of straight lines IL and other linear features promises to 
provide a rich environment for research. The photogrammetric measurement models 
combined with artificial intelligence methods for image understanding should allow robust 
methods for the estimation of buildings and other man made objects. 
Without a doubt, there is additional exciting research about linear features that will unfold. 
Gulch, E., Line Photo grammetry: a tool for precise localization of 3D points and lines 
in automated object reconstruction, SPIE, Integrating Photogrammetric Techniques 
with Scene Analysis and Machine Vision II, Orlando, vol 2486,1995 
Mulawa, D. and Mikhail, E., Photogrammetric Treatment of Linear Features, 
ISPRS, Commission III, Kyoto, vol. 27 BIO, 1988. 
Mulawa, D., Estimation and Photogrammetric Treatment of Linear Features, Ph.D.. 
thesis, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA, 1989. 
Mulawa, D., Self Centering Methods and Visualization of Equal Probability Surfaces 
for the Estimation of a Straight Line, Engineering Experiment Station Report, 
Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana, USA, 1990.

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