12. Ing. C.T. Horsfall . Surveyor General, Survey Division, Ministry of Lands
and Housing, Rivers State, Rivers State Office, Port Hartcourt, Rivers
State, Nigeria, -African non-francophone countries (education).
13. Ing. H. Hoschtitzky , Lecturer, Department of Photogrammetry, I.T.C.,
P.0. Box 6, 350 Boulevard 1945, Enschede, Netherlands. -Belgium,
Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands. United Kingdom, Netherlands Antilles,
14. Dr. Eng. Wladyslaw Mietzwa . Scientific Worker, The Stanislaw Staszic^
University of Mining and Metallurgy, Al. Mickiewieza 30, 30-059 Krakow,
Poland. -East European countries.
15. Prof. Dr. Eng. H. Nakamura . Department of Civil Engineering, University
of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo, Tokyo 113, Japan. -Japan, Philippines,
Taiwan, South Korea, Hong Kong.
16. Prof. Dr. Nunez de las Cuevas. Jefe Ingeniero Geográfico; Catedrático,
Cartografía; Escuela Universitaria de Ingenieros Technicos Topográficos,
Avenida General Ibanez Ibero 3, Madrid, Spain (Requested). -Portugal,
Spain, plus overseas territories.
17. Prof. Dr. E. Olson . Chairman, Remote Sensing Program, School of Natural
Resources, The University of Michigan, Samuel Trask Dana Building,
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, U.S.A. -Remote sensing.
18. Ing. Christian Paresi . Directeur des etudes de photogrammétrie pour les
étudiants francophones, Department of Photogrammetry, I.T.C., P.0.
Box 6, Enschede, Netherlands. -Asian francophone countries.
19. Capt. Victor Hugo Roggero Piejos , Jefe, Departamento de Fotogrametria,
Instituto Geográfico Militar, Apartado 2038, Lima, Peru. -Associate
of Prof. Fagundes.
20. Dr. D. Rokos . Themistokles 74, Athens 145, Greece. -Cyprus and Greece.
21. Prof. Dr. J.C. Trinder . Department of Photogrammetry, School of Sur
veying, the University of New South Wales, P.0. Box 1, Kensington,
N.S.W. 2033, Australia. -Oceania.
22. Ing. J. Alberto Villasana Lyon . Director, Dirección Técnica, Comission
de Estudios del Territorio Nacional, 4°/5 o Piso, San Antonio Abad 124,
Mexico 8, D.F., Mexico. -Central America and Mexico.
23. Prof. Dr. Leonid Wassiliew . Dean, Faculty of Photogrammetry; Moscow
Institute of Engineers of Geodesy, Aerial Surveying and Cartography;
MIIGAIK, Gorochowsky 4, K-64 Moscow, U.S.S.R. -U.S.S.R.
24. Prof. Dr. G. W eiman . Institut flir Photogrammetrie und Kartographie,
Technische Universität, Pockelstrasse 4 , 3300 Braunschweig, West
Germany. -European German-speaking countries plus Scandinavian countrie