5. That the reviews be consolidated into an English
6. That the compiled English Version of the Glossary
of Terms be presented at the 1978 Commission VI
Symposium in Krakow, Poland.
7. That input and suggestions resulting from the
Symposium be incorporated into the English Version
to create a final draft.
8. That thereafter, Dr. Paul head a subcommittee for
the purpose of preparing a French translation of the
final draft, and that Dr. Pietschner head a sub
committee to prepare a German translation.
9. That the Tri-lingual final drafts then be printed
for the XIV ISP Congress in Hamburg, and the sub
stance of the document be discussed at one of the
Commission VI sessions held at that Congress.
The American Society of Photogrammetry completed its
first draft of definitions of photogrammetry terms in the
Spring of 1977.
The Board of Direction of the American Society of
Photogrammetry voted to give its approval for ISP to use
its Glossary of Photogrammetry Terms as a basis for pre
paring its tri-lingual glossary. However, the American
Society of Photogrammetry expressed that it would retain
the right of first copyright and that an acknowledgement
to the American Society of Photogrammetry should be given
in any eventual publication by the ISP of its tri-lingual