4. H.O. Pub 220, Navigation Dictionary, U.S. Navy
Hydrographic Office, 1963.
5. Pictorial Cyclopedia of Photography, First American
6. Basic Photography, A Primer for Professionals, 2nd
Edition by M.J. Langford.
7. Photo Lab Index, Morgan and Morgan, Publishers.
8. Photogrammetric Engineering (Index), Vol. XL No. 12,
December 1974.
The following individuals have contributed substantially
towards the production of the list of definitions given in
Appendix A •
1. Terrence J. Keating (USA)
» 2. Wallace E. Kerr (USA)
3. Leonard T. Pimentel (USA)
4. Frederick A. Sieker (USA)
i .1
5. John A. Szorenyi (Australia)
6. Paul R. Wolf (USA)
Special recognition is due to Mrs. Sue Brunsell (USA)
who labored many hours in assisting the WG-3 Chairman in
compiling and typing the Draft of Definitions.
V. Future Work and Call for Assistance
The committee recommends that future work, following
this Symposium consist of implementing items (7), (8) and
(9) enumerated in Section II above. To accomplish item (7),
Working Group-3 of Commission VI issues the following call
for assistance to photogrammetrists world-wide:
It is requested:
(1) that a review be made of the definitions of
terms given in Appendix A of this paper.