different external factors in their exploitation are
examined. In this section the measurement of three
different types of bridges will be presented / 11 /.
The first bridge was loaded by different vertical
weights and the vertical vectors of deformations by
time-parallaxes method were determined. The successive
photographs were taken from the same camera stations
and differences in their angleorientations in the
process of calculation were established. The measu
rement of the deformations of bridge was performed
simultaneonsly by Physical method. The comparison
of the results has indicated the accuracy of vertical
diplacements - 0.8 mm. In the second bridge /suspen
sion/ the moves of the cables caused by variable flow
of crude ail in pipeline were determined. The succe
ssive convergent photographs were taken from cameras
located on she riversides. The deformations of ropes
were obtained by analytical method with accuracy ca
1-2 cm.
To determine the dynamical deformations of railway
bridge the set of film camera and theodolit, which
magnifyed the focus length of camera 30 times» was
used. Successive states of bridge be time parallaxes
method were obtained with the accuracy - 1 mm.
The main advantage of the utilization of photo-
grammetry in this type of applications is the possi
bility of recording arbitrarily short states of con
struction during its exploitation.
2*3* Control measurement of the products
The purpose of these measurements is control of
the accomplishment of technical•assumption relative
to the shape of products and fitting of cooperated
Parts of product. In this field two experiments will
be presented. First, the measurement of the shape of
prefabricated wall products / 1 / and second, the deter
mination of the shape of contact surfaces of coopera
ted ship segments /2/. For this purpose, convergent