Full text: Papers for the international symposium Commission VI

Survey projects in developing countries always make a bid for 
the scarce surveying potential. The survey agencies are hard pres 
sed by the need for supply of a large number of maps in short time 
for development projects. So, a solution to meet the demand has to 
be found. 
Some suggestions have been made here. These affect mainly the 
stages of aerial photography and photogrammetry. Photo products, 
because of speedier production, score over conventional products 
like line maps. The system proposed in storing the photogrammetri- 
cally controlled models gives more flexibility in meeting quickly 
various demands for maps. The contours, generally, may have to be 
surveyed on the ground as the contour interval is small. 
The suggestions made by the author are, obviously, for Indian 
conditions and represent his personal views. 
1. Misra, P : 11 Base Map for Resources Surveys. A case study of re 
vision of i:250,000 series of Survey Of India” - paper presented 
at Resources Seminar at Indian Institute of Technology, January 
1978. <#.•• Page 4.) 
2. Misra, P : Orthophotomapping. A case study of India - Master*s 
Thesis, Ohio State University, 1971. (... Page 5.) 
3. Brown, Duane: Densification of Urban Geodetic Nets. Photo. Eng. 
April, 1977. (••• Page 7.) 

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