the complex inventory documentation /which contains planimetric
maps, vertical and horizontal cross-sections, elevations,
frontages and views of the roofs/ or fragmentary documentation
/elevations and/or frontages only/.
In the first case /for complex inventory documentation/ stereo
phot o gramme trie methods have to be used* Therefore photogrammetrie
cameras and stereo cameras as well as plotting machines /and/or
stereocomparators/ and orthophoto-projectors must be available*
For the second case /fragmentary documentation/ single image pho%
togrammetric methods can be applied and only photographic /non
metric/ cameras and devices for rectification purposes should
be accesible*
All technologies involve two stages:
- field work, and
- office work*
Field work combine:
a/ project of photo-taking /distribution of camera stations and
control points/,
b/ marking /painting/ onx the facade control points /if necessa-
c/ geodetic survey of basic network including control points and
camera stations,
d/ photograph-taking /outside and inside of the monument/*
Usually fild work includes also direct measurements of some
details, which are not visible on photographs*
Office work in all technologies depends on presentation of
results and qquipment available* Always the sections of stable
paper or transparent material for cross-sections /vertical and
■horizontal// and elevations are needed* All points of network
are plotted on these sections* If necessary transformation of
control points to the plane of facade is computed and next points
are plotted* Control points plotted on vertical cross-sections,
horizontal cross-sections and on the elewations make this docu
mentation comparable, and therefore the same control points must
be carefully plotted on both these documentations*
Using stereo-photographs and plotting machine the above mentioned
documents can be partly plotted from one model* Before starting
to plot, the machine should be precisly-tested and rectified*
In the case when photographic result is wanted - orthophoto-pro-
jector or rectifier must be accesible* V/hen all the orientation
elements of the photographs are known it is not difficult to set
up a stereo-model and then to scale and level it according to
the plane of the facade* Line map needs plotting* The other
office works in the orthoprojection method after connection the
orthophotoscope and plotter, consists in profiling and scanning*
If necessary the same stereo-model /used in this case for produc
tion of the orthophoto/ - can be measured for line-plotting of
the same details on facade /window or door oppenings, missing
plaster, or ports of the wall/ or for drowing horizontal cross-
sections on each storey, as v/ell as for drowing indicated verti
cal cross-sections*