Full text: Papers for the international symposium Commission VI

Particular producers adapt their range of plotters to the range 
of cameras. It means that when we use equipment from one produ 
cer the problem of adaptation does not exist. But when we are 
obliged to use differrent producers instrumentation, then we are 
in tr ble# For instance when tilted photographs are taken by 
a Wild ?31 camera,it is not possible to plot them on Zeiss Jena 
or Opton autographs, because the tilt calculator is adapted to 
another range of angle. 
It seems that as users we should tend to unify of tilt 
angles in photogrammetrie instruments. Practicaly, howewer it 
is not relevant whether they are 7^,14^21^ or 10°, 15°, 20°. 
The second basic form of presentation of results of architectu 
ral measurements is the photographic way. It can be done in 
two ways : 
1 - convention rectification method, 
2 - orthoprojection method. 
In the case of photographs with horizontal or vertical axis 
rectification can be performed on conventional 
rectifiers used for agrial pictures. Howewer for significant 
tilted photographs /30° or 60 / rectification can not be done 
directly. It needs to apply step by step rectification because 
of limited range of instrument. Same producers /for instance 
Opton/ delivers simplified rectifiers /KEG-30/ but only for 
chosen tilts i.e. +30 s and +70^, These instruments transfer 
original photograpEs to diapositives /size 13x13 cm/ on which 
the image corresponds to the photo taken with horizontal axis. 
Such diapositives have to be further rectified in the regular 
Orthophotoprojection is very suitable tech 
nique for architectural objects which have" a rich variety of 
non flat elements /stone details, painting situated on unflat 
The conservator of monuments needs documentation of paintings 
located inside of nonflat surfaces /expansion or not/ in the 
'form of development of the surfaces. 
Orthophotoscops used for orthoprojection of nonflat walls should 
have the following possibilities: 
1 - correction for transversal tilt 
2 - orthophoto production based on tilted photographs, 
3 - production of development of the walls. 
Condition N=1 is fulfilled in many orthoohotoscopes, but none 
satisfy requirements 2 and 3# Instrumental base for documenta 
tion presented in the photographical way is not adequate 
for all cases which can be net in practice* The difficulties with 
rectification of tilted photographs has been mentioned. 
Orthophotographic instrumentation is make for topographical 
map production and gives possibility to generate the orthophotos 
for simple architectural objects. Orthophotoscopes produced 
at present do not permit for elaboration of development of the 
surface. It can be done after adequate orthophotoscope adapta 
tion only.

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