Full text: Papers for the international symposium Commission VI

In the analysis for camera 6 hours of working time per da:/ and 
15 hours /two-shift system/ for another instruments was assumed* 
Executing different kinds of work in the scope of architectural 
inventory one camera can supply data for: one rectifier /not 
fully exploited/, one orthophot, one or two plotters* However 
one camera can supply data for the above mentioned equipment 
in office work, but technical aspects of complicated objects 
measurements /very short and very long distances of taking 
photographs 1*0 - 100 meters/ requires the application even on 
the some objects, several cameras with different principal 
distances, or one camera with different lens cones* It is 
necessary to understand, that in this case the above mentioned 
cameras will not be fully exploited* 
Taking into account very strong object differentiation and width 
range of variability of the coefficients describing producti 
vity of individual methods /o.4 -v6*0/ we can see from econo 
mic analysis, that individual characters of the monuments or 
architectural object, determines time and cost of preparation 
of architectural documentation* 
i- Comparing the requirements which instruments used for 
architectural photogrammetry should fulfil, with technical 
parameters of widely available instruments one can state 
that terrestrial cameras, stereometric cameras and plotters 
makes possible to plot almost all cases which occur in 
architectural photogrammetry* 
ii- Some difficulties arise when the equipment from different 
producers is used* Such set of instruments are very often 
not compatible. 
iii- Instrumentation for preparing of the documentation in pho 
tographic mode are not adequate for all cases which can 
be met in practice. Conventional rectifiers and ortoph^to- 
scopes were designed for topographical purpose and don t 
allow to rectified considerably tilted photographs / 30°, 
45°, 60°/ and to develop the surface / such form of docu 
mentation is sometimes very convinient /• 
iv- Comparing three basic methods used in architectural docu 
mentation we found that the stereoscopic method is 2.5 
time's more expensive then the rectifieying method, and 
1.4 times more expensive then the ortophoto method* 
v- It is not possible to give objective comparison of these 
three methods because they produce different result and 
are usufull for a different type of object. 
vi- The cost and time required for execution of the architec 
tural documentation more strongly depend on object diffe 
rentiation then on applyed method.

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