Full text: Papers for the international symposium Commission VI

bution fees, in spite of the very low level of these fees for the more 
of them; 
- from national agencies ? The more of the big ones afford 
ISP an important help with engineers, offices, secretariate faci.'l Lties, 
etc. We cannot go to far on this way, without encountering the danger 
of a rupture in the present assistance; 
- from the major instrument makers and private surveying firms ? 
Secretary General Pred Doyle meets some difficulty to establish the 
new category of sustaining members, as decided at the Helsinki General 
Assembly; the sums needed by Ted Blachut are significantly higher 
them the yearly contributions under discussion; so, it seems difficult 
that either the ISP Secretary General or the ISP President directly 
writes to the major exhibitions; we must not forget that, if the today's 
relations are very good between ISP and the instrument makers, the time 
is not so far away when, in the sixties, our predecessors rejected the 
instrument makers from the technical sessions to their stands in the 
equipment exhibition as Jesus expelled the merchants from the Jerusalem 
n) I must not have a behaviour which could seem to be only nega 
tive and I would like to express a few positive suggestions, which are 
as follows : 
a) I am ready to resume my action at the UNESCO to get seine 
financial help even for the redaction of the manuscript; unfortunately 
I had little time available since a few months; my retirement from the 
Government service in January next will enable me to do more; however 
and obviously, I can visit UNESCO earlier; 
b) we consider that the chairman of the editorial board has 
a sufficient weight to write himself to the instrument makers, manu 
facturers of supplies, surveying firms; the resolution of the General 
Assembly has charged Poland, which accepted, with the establishment 
a working group to write the history of Photogrammetry; the President 
of Commission VI has appointed a Chairman, who accepted, for the 
editorial board, so, this chairman is entitled to write on behalf of 
ISP, quoting the authority he has received from the ISP General Assem 
c) Secretary General Frederick Doyle has proposed to get in touch 
with Dr. Talbert Abrams, who administers a foundation and who will 
probably accept to help the working group;

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