Full text: Papers for the international symposium Commission VI

We agreed to : 
- adopt the same .frequency for our congresses and to schedule 
them in order not to have two important congresses in the same year 
(by the way, let me s iy that I am not perfectly sure that ICA will 
follow recommendation, for instance due to its frequent meetings or 
to this invitation from Sydney, desirous t;o gather as many scientific 
associations as possible, at the same time, during the festivities of 
the second centenary of its foundation), 
i . 
- to have the two main exhibitions (FIG and ISP) at a two 
year interval; we want to meet the exhibitors’*bids, so far as we do 
not lose our liberty; 
- to develop inter-association co-operation, in the areas of 
common interest. 
Let me add some comment about this third resolution. It does not 
seem possible to have common working groups, but it is possible to 
have official representatives of any association in a working group 
or commission of common interest, in any other association • In ISP 
for instance, Commissions are given to Member Bodies, by a vote of the 
General Assembly, at the Congress, for a quadrennial period, to prepare 
the technical sessions of the future Congress and to make them as 
fruitful as possible. If we admit that only one Association will have 
its Congress one year - I consider that as the most important of our 
decisions - a working group which is just created in the year Y, at a 
Congress or after a Congress, wi3.1 have to make .its conclusions ready 
for presentation and discussion in the year Y + 4. This working group, 
in case of common interest, can and must ask for the help of other 
international associations. But, in the year Y, commissions or working 
groups would be working since the year Y'^ Y inside another association, 
for a congress to be held in the year Y* +4. So, really common working 
groups do not seem easy to create, under some bicephalous chairmanship. 
But, to take the example of ICA and ISP, it is easy to appoint one or 
two photogrammetrists in ICA working groups concerning such matters as: 
automation, topographic and thematic mapping, initial or permanent 
education, etc. and vice versa. 
These people from ISP, for instance, of a working group still in 
function in ICA, would usefully report at the ISP Congress to say how 
ICA is processing.

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