Full text: Papers for the international symposium Commission VI

The development of applications of remote sensing in Poland may 
be divided into two periods. The first period terminated in 
1975* At the turn of that year the applications of remote sen 
sing entered a nev; phase, both from the qualitative and quanti 
tative point of view. 
The interpretation of aeriai panchromatic photographs and the 
interpretation of conventional panchromatic photographs for non- 
topographic applications were the most important trends in our 
research work during the first period. In 1972 the Institute of 
Geodesy and Cartography purchased thermal camera and thermopro 
file AGA produced in Sweden. Thermal techniques have been maste 
red and successfully applied by our staff mainly for research 
on air and water pollution but also for solving selected pro 
blems concerning construction and some other branches of indu 
stry as well as medicine. Not very numerous, but experienced 
group of specialists evolved at the end of that period. The co 
re of our staff received formal training mainly in the field of 
photogrammetry and geography. 
During the years 1974-75 a comprehensive program for the utili 
zation of remotely sensed data for solving practical problems 
in various branches of country’s economy has been elaborated by 
specialists from the Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography and 
the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography. The program was appro 
ved and sanctioned by the Government of the Polish People's 
Republic at the end of 1975. The second phase of research on and 
applications of remote sensing in Poland was thus initiated. 
The government decree provided legal basis, organizational set- 
-up and financial means for the comprehensive and consistent 
development of applications of remote sensing and the utiliza 
tion of results of investigations in various branches of the 
national economy. 
The Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography, a branch of govern 
ment responsible for activities in the field of geodesy, survey 
ing and cartography in Poland has been entrusted with a task of 
coordinating research and applications of remote sensing in the 
country. The President of the Head Office of Geodesy and Carto 
graphy is subject to the Minister of Administration, Local Eco- * 
nomy and Environmental Protection. Close methodological ties of 
remote sensing with photogrammetry and cartography, being besi 
des geodesy two other major fields of activities of the Office, 
have been accounted for in the above organizational set-up. 
Remote sensing techniques are of utmost importance for regional 
planning, land utilization and management, and environmental 
protection, all of which come under the competence of the Minis 
try of Administration, Local Economy and Environmental Protec 
Polish Remote Sensing Centre has been established within the In 
stitute of Geodesy and Cartography, a research Institute subor 
dinated to the Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography. The ab 
breviation OPOLiS stands for: Osrcdek Przetwarzania Obrazow Lot- 
niczych i Satelitarnych /Centre for processing of aerial and 

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