Full text: Papers for the international symposium Commission VI

satellite imagery/. The Centre is both a scientific and service 
organization; in the latter capacity it is supplying the users 
in the whole country with professional reports and maps elabora 
ted with the use of various remote sensing techniques. The Cen 
tre has been organized for the purpose of acquisition and pro 
cessing of remotely sensed data. The final product of the Centre 
is information, which is provided in the form specified by the 
user, either for further interpretation or for immediate use. 
, The specific tasks of the Polish Remote Sensing Centre at the 
initial stage of its activities are as follows: 
Recruitment and training of specialists, mastering techniques 
and gathering experience in exploitation of imported equipment, 
mastering techniques of data precessing and interpretation, in 
concordance with a given task and available technology; compi 
ling - in close cooperation with users and potential users - 
detailed programs of applications of remote sensing in various 
spheres of economic and public life; solving scientific pro 
blems arising at successive stages of work of the Centre. 
Our policy is to base the development of remote sensing in 
Poland on the achievements and experiences of the world most 
renowned Remote Sensing Centres and on the application of most 
modem equipment. 
There is, however, a number of research problems that have to 
be tackled before or during the work on a practical problem. 
These problems are characteristic of Poland and arise from the 
specific natural and social conditions prevailing in the coun 
try /e.g. land use pattern/. 
We are facing many such problems : now, at the time of our all- 
-out attempt at broad implementation of remote sensing techni 
ques in tackling practical problems. Research on applications 
of remote sensing is carried out mainly by the staff of Remote 
Sensing Centre of the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography. 
Research and application works are financed by the Head Office 
of Geodesy and Cartography, Polish Academy of Sciences and ei 
ther government institutions and enterprises by means of con 
The staff of the Centre consists mainly of experienced photo 
gramme trists, many of whom specialize in applications of remote 
sensing /in agriculture, forestry, water management, regional 
planning, etc/« The centre employs also geographers, 
cartographers, geodesists, electronic engineers, computer pro 
grammers and operators and specialists representing various 
fields of applications of remote sensing. 
The scientific work of the Centre is carried out in broad coope 
ration with other scientific institutions - research institutes 
of the Polish Academy of Sciences, research institutes affilia 
ted to various branches of Government and research sections of 
universities, technical universities and agricultural universi 

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