Full text: Papers for the international symposium Commission VI

The results of data processing (the ’’manipulated” data) 
are,- as a rule, stored on a medium-term or long-term basis. 
(3) Data output 
If cartographic tasks are involved we get, by the output 
of the ’’manipulated" data obtained from (2), maps or map- 
like representations. 
(4) Data interpretation 
The result of the data interpretation (map interpretation) 
is the "transmitted" information. 
A reliable transmission of original information is thus in 
general only possible if the original information and the data 
processing results are represented in such a manner that they 
are understood in the same way by the one who gains the infor 
mation (the photogrammetrist) and the one who interprètes the 
data (the cartographer and the map user). 
If we now ask in which of the fields of work (which can at the 
same be regarded as fields of research) interrelations exist 
between photogrammetry and cartography, the answer must be: 
they exist in fields (1) and (2). 
First, photogrammetry and cartography should decide which data 
form shall be used for the representation of the original in 
formation. Is it to be a graphical and/or a numerical data form 
As result in field (1) we thus obtain: a graphical and/or nu 
merical map design . 
If the map design is a numerical one, in field (2) data proces 
sing usually becomes necessary the result of which should be a 
numerical map original . This data processing will be less time- 
consuming if before (i.e. when preparing the numerical map de 
sign) a data coding and data organization suitable for the in 
tended processing have been agreed upon.

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