(4) Cartographie Communication.
Chairman: Cioïkosz (Poland)
(5) Cartography Technology.
Chairman: R. Groot (Canada)
(6) History of Cartography.
Chairman: Dr. Helen Wallis (UK)
(7) Oceanic Cartography.
Chairman: A. Kerr (Canada)
(8) Mapping of Natural Resources.
Chairman: Prof. S. Radô (Hungary)
(9) Base Maps for International Thematic Mapping.
To be appointed by the Executive Committee
(10) Interassociation Working Group on
Environmental Atlases.
Chairman: Dr.-Ing. Vâzquez-Maure (Spain)
B. The Commissions of the International Society for
Photogrammetry (ISP) for the period 1976...1980
[in Commission (4) the Working Groups are also indicated]
(1) Primary Data Acquisition.
President: Dr. I. Nakajima (Japan)
(2) Instrumentation for Data Reduction.
President: Ing. M. Baussart (France)
(3) Mathematical Analysis of Data.
President: Dr. I. Antipov (USSR)
(4) Topographic and Cartographic Applications.
President: Dr. J.M. Zarzycki (Canada)