Full text: Papers for the international symposium Commission VI

o Coding of topographic and other objects for 
automatic data processing 
The employment of data processing for theV^transmission chain 
object - map (see par. 2) requires that the objects to be repre 
sented be coded-by numbers. Therefore, the "Arbeitsgemeinschaft 
der Vermessungsverwaltungen der Länder der Bundesrepublik 
Deutschland" (AdV) (Working Committee of the State Survey Of 
fices of the Federal Republic of Germany) agreed upon an "Ob 
jektschlüsselkatalog" (OSKA) (object code catalogue) in 1976. 
In this catalogue, all objects represented in cadastral map 
series and in official topographic/chorographic map series 
1:5,000 ... 1:1,000,000 are coded by a number [7], [3]. Now 
the question ought to be examined whether ICA and ISP ‘together 
should lay down principles for the development of a worldwide 
object code catalogue, for instance for the map series "Inter 
national Map of the World 1:1,000,000" which is under the aus 
pices of the United Nations. 
D. References: 
' /■ '-v * ' ( 
[1] 0. Lacmann: Die Photogrammetrie in ihrer Anwendung 
auf nicht-topographischen Gebieten. 
Leipzig 1950 
[2] E. Imhof: Aufgaben und Methoden der theoretischen 
Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, 
Gotha (1956) p. 165...171 
[3] H.G. Neubauer: Beiträge zur digitalen photogrammetrischen 
Messung für die Herstellung topographischer Karten. 
Nachrichten aus dem Karten- und Vermessungswesen, 
Frankfurt a.M. (1978) Series I, N 0 . 76 
[4] H. Schmidt-Falkenberg: Photogrammetrie und Aktualität 
unserer Kartenwerke. 
in: Geodätische Woche Köln 1975, Stuttgart 1976, 
p. 294...302

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