Full text: Geometrische und Graphische Versuche, oder Beschreibung der mathematischen Instrumente, deren man sich in der Geometrie, der Civil= und Militair=Vermessung, beim Nivelliren und in der Perspektive bedient

L. s. d. 
The hydrostatic paradox 
The hydrostatic bellows 
Apparatus for illustrating the laws of pressure and 
equilibrium between heterogeneous fluids 
Ditto for illustrating the action of fluids upon bo 
dies immersed in them 
An apparatus for experiments on spouting fluids 
Hydrometers for proving spirits, from il. us. 6d. 
to — — — 4 14 6 
An apparatus for making experiments on capilla 
ry rubes 
The model of the diving bell 
A glass model of the lifting pump 
A ditto of the lifting and forcing pump 
Hiero’s fountain in copper japanned 
Ditto double 
Fountain of command 
A japanned copper fountain to act by condensed 
air with a variety of jets 
Apparatus for experiments on syphons. 

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