igneous types, whilst metamorphic rocks are least susceptible. Of the latter,
quartzite is most resistant.
It is evident that the interrelation of thermal and chemical weathering is
complex, but the study of their combined effects permits a clearer under
standing of weathering phenomena and thus aids photogeological-interpreta-
tion. The following examples illustrate this.
On aerial photographs of arid terrain, crystalline limestone forms upstanding
ridges and jagged projecting peaks. Where contiguous with basement quartzite
Fig. 3.
Differential weathering in arid areas
Crystalline limestone (yl) forms dominant feature in quartzite (yq) and grit (yg). Jurassic
limestone (g) rests unconformably upon these rocks.
Inda Ad area, former Somaliland Protectorate
R.A.F. Photograph. Crown Copyright Reserved