J. Körber Möglichkeiten der Verwendung des Luftbildes in der
Stadtgeographie 361
D. Landen Photo Interpretation of Ice and Snow Features in the
Antarctic 366
V. I. Avgevich Some Results of the Interpretation of Aerial Photo
graphs of Sea Ice, and Prospects of further Develop
ment of Aerial Surveys for the Study of Ice .... 374
R. D. Leighty Engineering Information of Arctic Areas Obtained
from of Aerial Imagery 383
R. W. Popham The Use of Satellites for Ice Studies 390
ARCHAEOLOGY working group 7
■J J. K. S. St Joseph Photography and Archaeology in Britain - Recent
Results 398
R. Chevallier L’ Archéologie Aérienne en France 401
W. J. van Liere Aerial Photography in Archaeological Surveys in
Syria 408
i H. C. Bowen Air Photographs and the Study of Ancient Fields in
^ England 411
R. Feachem Timber Structures Revealed by Aerial Photography 419
A. I. J. M. Schellart Experiences with Aerial Photographs in the Study of
V Castles 425
F. Ruellan Les Etudes Océanographiques, Littorales et Sous
marines par l’Interprétation des Photographies Sté
réoscopiques. La Carte à 1 : 10.000 du Golfe Nor
mand-Breton 432
H. Schroeder-Lanz Zur Ermittlung von Sturmflutdeichschäden mit Hilfe
von Luftbildern 438
/ T. Nakano - M. Ohya - Landform Classification for Flood Prevention Using
T. Kanakubo Aerial Photographs 447
L. Herath Shoreline Development and Protection of Negombo
Beach, Ceylon - An Aerial Photographic Approach 453
ENGINEERING working group 9
R. D. Miles A Concept of Landforms, Parent Materials and Soils,
in Airphoto Interpretation Studies for Engineering
Purposes 462
R, R. Blesch - Ta Liang Application of Photo Interpretation in Route Location 477
J. R. Atkinson - N. B. Brown Airphoto Interpretation Study for the Division of
Roads and Road Traffic of the Southern Rhodesian
Government 487
Chin Fung Kee A Report on the Application of Airphoto Interpreta
tion in the Federation of Malaya 492
A. B. A. Brink Airphoto Interpretation Applied to Soil Engineering
Mapping in South Africa 498
N. W. Radforth Airphoto Interpretation of Organic Terrain for Engi
neering Purposes 507
I. D. Mollard Photo Interpretation in Prospecting for Granular
Construction Materials 514
E. Marchesini - A. Pistolesi- Fracture Patterns of the Natural Steam Area of Lar-
M. Bolognini derello (Italy) from Airphotographs 524
Author Index