Full text: Transactions of the Symposium on Photo Interpretation

of the slope is unstable. We thus find the fairly mature brown Rendzina soil 
on the Nari, while the exposed chalk is covered by young lithogenic soil [2]. 
It has been observed that under similar climatic conditions, slope elements and 
soils on various other hard rocks show similar features to those of the Nari. 
Slopes where hard rocks cover soft ones develop features similar to those where 
part of the Nari has been stripped off. 
It is interesting to mention that the air photos revealed sites of ancient cul 
tivated terraces on the chalky soils [2c], although very few of them have 
been preserved. On the other hand, the Nari areas show no signs of ever having 
been cultivated, and it seems that they have always been used for grazing or 
for the cutting of firewood. 
The author is indebted to Mr. Z. Raz of the Israeli Soil Conservation Service 
for his comments, criticism, suggestions and for his help in the preparation of 
the photos. 
Dan, J. (1961). Pedological evidences for climatic changes during the Pleistocene in Israel. 
Proc. 4th. Conv. Isr. Sci. Soc. Rehovot p. 174. 
Dan, J., Koyumdjisky H. 1959 Proposal for the classification of the soils of Israel. Agric. 
Inst. Soil Sci. Spec. Bull. 24 pp. 14i (Hb. e.). 
Kubiena, W. (1953). Soils of Europe. Murbv, London. 
Zohary, M. (1947). A geo-botanical soil map of Western Palestine. Pal. Journ. ofBot. 4,24-35. 
Mr. H. J. M. Verhoeven (Neth.): Why are non-calcareous brown rendzina soils, developed 
on Nari crust, classified as such? Mr. Dan answered that, according to Kubiena, there is a 
whole succession of soils, beginning with the proto-rendzina and ending with the relatively 
leached brown rendzina. After more leaching and further development we approach the 
terra fusca (in temperate climate) and the terra rossa (in Mediterranean climate). The 
brown rendzina mentioned might still be regarded as a rendzina, as it might still contain 
some lime. At any rate, it is saturated with Ca-ions. But if leaching continues, a terra rossa 
might develop.

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