Full text: Transactions of the Symposium on Photo Interpretation

Dept, of Geogr. McGill Univ., Montreal. The Physical Environment of the Great Bear 
Lake area, N.W.T. Rand Corp. Reports. 
35. Reeds, G. L. Land Classification as part of a Geographical Survey of the Avalon Penin 
sula of Newfoundland. Geogr. Bull. 5, 1954. 
36. Stager, J. K. Photo interpretation report for Halifax rural land use 1951. Ottawa 1953. 
Typed MSS. Geogr. Branch, Dept, of Mines & Techn. Surv. 
37. Weir, T. R. The Physical Basis of Ranching in the Interior Plateau of Br. Columbia. 
Geogr. Bull. 3, 1953. 
38. Wood, H. A. Report of the N. Manitoba Survey, Summer 1951. Typed MSS. Geogr. 
Branch, Dept, of Mines and Techn. Surveys, 1951. 
39. Wood, H. A. Rural and urban land use studies, and physiographic photo interpretation 
in SW-Ontario. Dept, of Geogr., McMaster Univ. Hamilton. 
Further information regarding the following projects and techniques was received by personal 
communication during 1962. In each case the affiliation and location of the individual is 
indicated after the subject. 
40. Baker, W. M. Use of air photographs in recreational land use planning. Hunting Survey 
Corp., Toronto. 
41. Bereskin, A. I. Land Use Survey, Regina. Dept, of Nat. Res., Saskatchewan. 
42. Bereskin, A. I. Land Use Survey, Roche Percee, Saskatchewan. Dept, of Nat. Res., 
43. Bereskin, A. I. Land Use Survey, Jan Lake, Saskatchewan. Dept, of Nat. Res., Saskatche 
44. Bursa, M. C. Use of mosaics in urban studies. Steinbergs Ltd. 
45. Cameron, H. L. Air photographic interpretation in urban planning studies. Nova Scotia 
Res. Found., Halifax, N.S. 
46. Dean, W. G. Photo geographical reconnaissance of vegetation and physiography, Albany 
Riv. area (N.Ont.) Dept, of Geogr., Univ. of Toronto. 
47. Dean, W. G. Land Use Survey for Highway Research, (N. Ont.). Dept, of Geogr., Univ. 
of Toronto. 
48. Farley, A. L. Land Use study of Fraser Riv. basin. Dept, of Geogr., Univ. of Br. Co 
49. Fellows, E. S. Use of air photographs in location of forest industry. Fredericton, (N.Br.). 
50. Mollard, J. D. Geomorphological Research in west central Saskatchewan. J. D. Mol- 
lard & Assoc. Ltd. 
51. Mollard, J. D. Regional Land Use studies in Newfoundland. J. D. Mollard & Assoc. 
52. Mollard, J. D. Selection of potential irrigable lands central Saskatchewan. J. D. 
Mollard & Assoc. Ltd. 
53. Mollard, J. D. Land Use Planning around major reservoir, central Saskatchewan. 
J. D. Mollard & Assoc. Ltd. 
54. Geographical Branch, Dept, of Mines & Techn. Surveys. Glacial geomorphological photo 
interpretation in Baffin Island. 
Geographical Branch, Dept, of Mines & Techn. Surveys. Geomorphological studies in the 
prairie provinces. 
Geographical Branch, Dept, of Mines & Techn. Surveys. Use of photo interpretation in 
Glacier Inventory. 
Geographical Branch, Dept, of Mines & Techn. Surveys. Use of photo interpretation in 
periglacial studies. 
Geographical Branch, Dept, of Mines & Techn. Surveys. Land Use surveys. 
55. Sitwell, G. Land Use and Settlement patterns. Pictou County, Nova Scotia. Dept, of 
Geogr., Univ. of Toronto. 
56. Tomlinson, R. F. Glacial geomorphological photo interpretation in Labrador-Ungava. 
Spartan Air Serv. Ltd. 
57. Tomlinson, R. F. Micro-drainage and soil photo interpretations as a basis for regional 
planning. Spartan Air Serv. Ltd. 
58. Tomlinson, R. F. Location of Briarcliffe Townsite, N. Ontario. Spartan Air Serv. Ltd. 
59. Tomlinson, R. F. Land Use of western Ottawa green belt. Spartan Air Serv. Ltd. 
60. Tomlinson, R. F. Coastal erosion studies at Seven Islands, Quebec. Spartan Air Serv. 
61. Weir, T. Small scale land use studies in prairie areas, Dept, of Geogr., Univ. of Manitoba.

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