is another old element of human origin. A turf wall (11) surrounds an area in
which can be traced some very faint, parallel lines (12), indicating old arable
land, probably a Medieval field.
Thus we find that every spot on the heath bears traces of human activity of
some kind. But some of those traces are now important documents of earlier
manners of living. It is our hope that the human activities of today on the
Skanor peninsula will not spoil the last remnant of that old landscape type but
make it into a valuable nature and culture memorial, by protecting it against
further encroachments.
1. Rasmusson: The drainage of lake Bockabosjön, Svensk Geogr. Ârsbok 1961.
Dr. Steiner (Switzerland) asked after how long an interval an area is re-photographed in
Sweden. The speaker answered that Sweden is divided into 7 parts. Every year one of these
is being re-photographed (scale 1 : 30,000). The intervals are therefore 7 years, but bad
weather can upset the planning. Besides this sequential photography each year large areas
are photographed at a larger scale for special purposes. This photography is fairly irregularly
distributed over the country, without following any plan from year to year. The Swedish
Air Force made 2-3 small scale coverages (1 : 66,000) of nearly the whole country from 1957
Dr. Schneider (B.R.D.) suggested that old aerial photographs taken for photogrammetric
purposes, be filed as documentation material of the landscape at a particular moment.
Gen. R. LI. Brown (U.K.) asked in connection with this what institutions exist in the several
countries for air photo documentation? Dr. Rasmusson answered that all air photos taken by
the Swedish Geographical Survey (Rikets allmanna kartverk, Stockholm) since 1934, are kept
in archives in the form of negatives plus one set of prints. They are arranged chorologically
according to our 24 counties, and within each county they are also sorted chronologically.
The location of each picture is plotted on topographic maps on scale 1 : 100,000. At the
Dept, of Geography at Lund University we have started to build up a “phototek”, consisting
of vertical and oblique air photographs as well as terrestrial ones. Our main object is to take
care of old material outside that of Rikets allmanna kartverk, as we feel that it has great
documentation value.
Mr. Skappel (Norway) asked if the speaker had made any use of the Swedish cadastral
photo-map in his geographical work. Dr. Rasmusson answered: The economic photo-map
1 : 10,000 of course is a very valuable base-map, for example when plotting details from air
photographs onto a map with the aid of a sketch-master. But unfortunately this economic
map doet not yet cover Scania, so it could not be used in the study presented here. Further
more it is almost impossible to make a real photo interpretation on it because a green tone
has been printed over all non-arable land.
Dr. Hottes (B.R.D.) advocated that the release of aerial photographs for interpretation
purposes be facilitated. Older photos with industrial objects, normally classified, should be
reconsidered. The paper shows that in Sweden this is possible. The speaker remarked in this
connection that for about 2 years it has become much easier to obtain aerial photographs in
Sweden. Only more important military objects remain covered up on the prints. A drawback
remains the high price (about D.M. 20.— for a contact print.).