Full text: Transactions of the Symposium on Photo Interpretation

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Reproduction of an uncontrolled mosaic of a strip 
of vertical photographs 
threadlike fissures in land ice identified 
on the mosaic 
hypothetic position of threadlike fis 
sures in land ice, which are not dis 
cerned on the aerial photographs 
Fig. 6. Sketchmap of the total area of sand lenses per one linear km of the shoreline 
Fig. 7. Sketchmaps of ice distribution in the Ob inlet during the last stage of clearing the 
bay of ice sheet (a) and distribution of shoals in the Ob inlet (b) 
Fig. 8. Oblique photographs with recorded dash-like lines of thread-like cracks in fast-ice 
Fig. 9. Photo diagram of vertical aerial photographs and skeleton diagram of the location 
of thread-like cracks of ice 
Fig. 10. Aerial photograph of freshly broken-up fast-ice 
Fig. 11. Example of the study of ice drift in the open sea carried out by the mosaic method 

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