Full text: Transactions of the Symposium on Photo Interpretation

Orbit 779, April 3, 1962 
Orbit 835, aprii 7, 1962 
Fig. 3. 
Orbit 793, April 4, 1962 
Orbit 908, April 12, 1962 
an area of about 15,000 square miles. Similar satellite pictures were obtained 
on 30-35 passes of the tiros iv satellite over the Canadian east coast waters. 
They are currently being compared with the visual, radar and aerial photo 
graphic observations gathered during Project tirec. 
In many of the satellite pictures, it has been possible to identify features 
which are theoretically impossible to resolve with the current camera systems, 
especially when these features are long and narrow. The photo interpreter, 
in studying aerial photographs, has encountered this before so it is not unique 
to satellite pictures alone. 
Fig. 3 shows a short-term historical sequence of ice, snow and cloud 
distribution over Canadian east coast waters, prepared by selecting one picture 
from each of six passes over the area during a ten-day period. The principal

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