Full text: Transactions of the Symposium on Photo Interpretation

by F. L. Corten 
International Training Centre for Aerial Survey, Delft, The Netherlands 
Abstract The planning and the execution of aerial survey missions are often not econom 
ically justified. Important points of view for the planning of aerial photography missions are 
discussed. Considerations are for instance 
- choice of camera, of flight height and scale; 
- flight design with overlaps and photo positioning; 
- choice of film-filter combination with respect to spectral reflectance. 
For the execution of such missions the aerial survey crew shall be competent and the instru 
mentation of the aircraft shall be suitable. 
Résumé II arrive souvent en pratique, que le planning et l’exécution de prises de vues 
aériennes ne soient pas basés sur des conceptions économiques correctes. La communication 
examine certains points importants à considérer dans le planning des missions. Il s’agit par 
exemple : 
- du choix de la chambre aérienne, de la hauteur de vol et donc de l’échelle des clichés; 
- du recouvrenent du mode de visée; 
- du choix d’une combinaison film-filtre adaptée au pouvoir réfléchissant du terrain; 
La compétence de l’équipage et le choix judicieux des instruments utilisés dans les missions 
aériennes destinées à la photo-interprétation sont des conditions essentielles de succès. 
Zusammenfassung Planung und Ausführung von Luftkartierungs-Missionen sind nicht 
immer ökonomisch gerechtfertigt. Wichtige Punkte bzgl. solcher Planung werden bespro 
chen, z.B. : 
- Wahl der Kammer, der Flughöhe und des Masstabes; 
- Flugplan mit Überdeckung und Photo-Lage; 
- Wahl der Film-Filter Combination mit Rücksicht auf spektrale Reflexion. 
Für die Ausführung solcher Missionen muss die Bemannung fachkundlich tauglich und die 
Ausrüstung des Flugzeuges geeignet sein. 
If we are to procure aerial photographs for purposes of photo interpretation, 
we have 2 ways of doing so: 
a. We may use existing photographs, made to someone else’s requirements, 
such as for photogrammetric or cartographic mapping; in this case the 
photo interpreter has no influence on the planning of such aerial photo 
graphy, and we will not discuss this possibility any further. 
b. Ordering photography to be made for the specific job ; in this case it is essen 
tial to procure the “optimum” type and quality of air photography, i.e. that 
photography which allows the work to be carried out in the most econo 
mical way. It seems appropriate to make some remarks about this optimum. 
In planning the most economical type of photography, it will always be 
necessary to consider all the factors as one total complex', the aerial photograph 
is the result of the interaction of all related physical influences. They may be 
grouped under headings:

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