Object: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

tanbul 2004 
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Conference. G.M. Hume *, LK. Guo? 4.G. Lv", Z. Xiao Z. Zhao 8 CP. Qiu^ 
a Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping, Beitaiping Road, No.16, HaiDian, Beijing, 100039, China- 
huang.guoman@163.net, littleboatxz@hotmail.com, zhengzhaochina@ 163.com, qep78@163.net 
b Institute of Geographical Science and Natural Resources Research, CAS, 11A Datun Road, Anwai, Beijing, 100101, China- 
znition from 
nmetry and 
62-166, CD 
ni Suites KEY WORDS: SAR, Image, Orthorectification, Algorithms, Experiment, Accuracy 
Systems, J 
This paper introduces the algorithm on SAR image orthorectification based on polynomial rectification and height displacement 
correction, and experiments according to the algorithm on ERS-2, RADARSAT, and airborne SAR image in mountain area. Many 
factors result in SAR image distortion, and most of them can be corrected by polynomial rectification. But the distortion of SAR image 
brought by elevation is very difficult to be corrected by polynomial rectification. In this paper, height displacement caused by 
elevation is corrected in advance according to the slant distance and elevation of each pixel, and the other distortion is corrected by 
polynomial rectification. Compared to other orthorectification algorithm on SAR image, it is very easy to implement. According to 
this method, programme has been designed. And then, experiment has been down on RADARSAT image in a mountain area in China 
(Dali, Yunnan), and polynomial rectification on the same image also has been down by the same ground control points. The accuracy 
of the former is about 2.8 pixels, and the latter 44.4 pixels. In this area, the most elevation difference of the ground control points is 
about 2972 meters. Some other experiments have been down on ERS-2 image (Chengdu, Sichuan), and 3 meters resolution airborne 
SAR image (Dabieshan, Anhui), and the results are similar to that of the first experiment. So, the new algorithm on SAR image 
orthorectification introduced in this paper is efficient and practicable for SAR image orthorectification in mountain area. 
The geometric correction process seems to be more important 
today than before (Thierry, 2003). Synthetic aperture radar 
(SAR) adopts side-looking imaging mode, and the side-looking 
angle of SAR image is much larger than that of optical image. 
This mode leads to a great influence to geometric distortion of 
SAR image. Consequently, it is very important for SAR 
application to rectify geometric distortion and create 
Many SAR image rectification methods are put forward such as 
orthorectification of Radarsat fine using orbital parameters and 
DEM  (Keong, 1995; Mohd, 2000), practical SAR 
orthorectification (Leland, 1996) and geometry processing of 
remote sensing images (Thierry, 2003). Now, the primary 
methods of SAR image rectification include polynomial 
rectification, collinearity equation method and the 
Range-Doppler method. 
Polynomial rectification 
Since 1970s, polynomial functions are well known (Wong, 
1975; Billingsley, 1983). Based on polynomial function, 
polynomial rectification is a comparatively traditional method 
for rectification, which is often applied to optical image 
orthographic rectification. For SAR image of plant areas, it also 
can be used to rectify geometric distortion. 
Collinearity equation method 
This method includes two types. The first one is mathematical 
model, which presenters are F.Leberl etc. Change of linear 
elements in sensor’s exterior azimuthal elements are considered, 
nor do angle elements. Therefore, after establishing SAR stereo 
model, there are biggish fluctuate parallax, and it is only the 
same with airborne SAR because this model is building in terms 
with the range equation of image points and zero Doppler 
condition. The other one is mathematical model of flat range 
projective radar images performed by G.Konecny etc. In this 
model, the changes of exterior azimuthal elements of sensors 
and terrain are considered, and the form of equation is similar to 
photogrammetric collinearity equation. Although the model is 
casy to be applied, it interpret something only referring to the 
characteristic of traditional optical imaging without taking into 
account SAR image side-looking projective characteristic. 
Forasmuch, this type model is only a simulant processing 
method to optical image. 
The Range-Doppler method 
The Range-Doppler method primarily discusses the relationship 
of image points and target points {rom the view of SAR imaging 
geometry. The following is its basic theory: In the range 
direction, the distribution of equidistance points from target to 
radar is homocentric circular cluster, which center of a circle is 
point bellow satellite. In the other hand, equal Doppler 
frequency shift points created by relative moving between 
satellite and target distribute as hyperbolic cluster in the 
azimuth direction. Therefore, ground target can be confirmed by 
the intersection of the clusters of homocentric rotundity and 
hyperbola. The Range-Doppler algorithm mostly lies on the 
accuracy of fundamental catalogue data. 
Polynomial rectification regards general distortion of remote 
sensing image as combination of several of basic and high 
distortion. For relatively flat areas, it can reach sufficient 
rectification accuracy and is easy to use. Accordingly, it has 
been used in considerable fields. But considering some more 
hypsography areas, this method can not lead to satisfying results, 
especially in the condition of biggish slope. In this paper, we 
add this method to correction of height displacement caused by 
elevation, and it can improve corrective accuracy. At first, 
height displacement is corrected; and then the other distortion is 
corrected by common polynomial rectification. By contraries 
during resampling, we firstly extract the coordinates of image 
points which haven't been affected by elevation in terms of 

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