be used to identify and solve existing problems before they occur,
problems as well as anticipate
I thank Dr. Kenneth Crowell for the
data pertaining to mammal richness
and Jonathan Labaree and Bruce
Morehouse for technical support.
This study benefited from
discussions with Dr. Janet Campbell
of the Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean
Sciences and Dr. Manfred Ehlers of
the University of Maine National
Center for Geographic Information
and Analysis. I am also indebted to
the following individuals and
organizations for advice and support:
Dr. Robert Metcalfe and David
Newbold of 3COM Corporation, Bob
Barker of SPOT Image Corporation,
Bill Shelley and Roger Greene of
Landmark Technologies, Candice
Tuttle of Lasergraphics, Inc. and
Lucy Saunders of Systat, Inc. This
study was made possible in part by
funds granted by the Island
Foundation and equipment granted
by Apple Computer, Inc.
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