Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 1)

Symposium on Remote Sensing for Resources Development and Environmental Management / Enschede / August 1986 
3 automatic 
Land cover. Proc. 
sensing applied 
SC. 1984; ESA 
L - 140 
j 4: 631 - 637 
cultural crops 
M. Veugen 1984. 
SEE Trans. 
)f tidal patterns 
igery of the sea. 
:orm Noordwijk 
ig. OE-7: 15-20 
!. Attema 1982. 
:. Geosci. and 
etability - 
dimensions and 
Aerospace and 
•icultural area 
it observations 
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Developing tools for digital radar image data evaluation 
G.Domik & F.Leberl 
VEX CEL Corporation, Boulder, Colo., USA 
Research Center Graz, Austria 
Abstract: The refinement of radar image analysis methods has led to a need for a systems 
approach to radar image processing software. Developments stimulated through satellite radar 
are combined with; standard image processing techniques to create a user environment to 
manipulate and analyze airborne and satellite radar images. One aim is to create radar products 
for the user from the original data to enhance the ease of understanding the contents. The 
results are called secondary image products and derive from the original digital images. Another 
aim is to support interactive SAR image analysis. Software methods permit use of a digital 
height model to create ortho images, synthetic images, stereo-ortho images, radar maps or color 
combinations of different component products. Efforts are ongoing to integrate individual tools 
into a combined hardware/software environment for interactive radar image analysis. 
Post processing of digital synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images is 
usually meaningful. One reason is the unreliable geometry due to the 
kinematic nature of the imaging process and the effect of topography. 
Thus the radar image has to be rectified. Another reason is the 
complex interaction of terrain and microwaves as expressed in the gray 
tones of the individual SAR image pixels. What data and tools would 
be necessary to exploit the full content of digital radar images? 
One may think of adding information not contained in the image itself, 
e.g. map data, terrain slope or heights, to enhance the interpretability 
of the image for different applications. Height data might be used to 
give a general idea about the topography in form of a perspective view, 
an illuminated height model, or even better through a radar image 
simulation. Such presentations of a digital elevation model (DEM) 
can be combined with the radar image grey values or stand alone. 
After rectification other methods can be used to merge information 
with the image. 
Essential tools found necessary for processing of single and 
overlapping SAR images are set up of single images or stereo models, 
integration of topographic and thematic maps, simulation and 
rectification of radar images, general purpose image processing as well 
as archiving and retrieval routines, such as specific tape read 
programs and image organization. The following will discuss some 
essential SAR post-processing tools and their application. 
Software can be divided into radar-specific and non-radar software. 
There is of course 
(a) General image processing. 
(j) Radar image rectification; 
(k) Slope-effect reduction; 
(l) Mosaicking; 
(m) Height extraction from stereo images; 
(n) Feature extraction from single and stereo images. 
The future should be open to the development of specific multi-sensor 
and time-series/monitoring concepts. 
2.1 General Image Processing 
Obviously a full range of general purpose functions needs to include 
display and save functions; grey value enhancement; color coding in 
red, green and blue (RGB) or intensity, hue and saturation (IHS); 
rotation and mirroring; pixel edit functions; general purpose filters 
and edge operators; statistical processing; a graphics subset. 
2.2 Archiving/Retrieval 
One needs tape read, write and test programs; must be able to 
produce hardcopies on film or on a printer (symbol overstriking, 
matrix printing); to manage logfiles; to generally organize, name, 
store, recall, window images. 
2.3 DEM Manipulations 
It is useful to digitize points and linear features; have vector to raster 
conversion; be able to create axonometric and contour line plots, 
coordinate transformations; statistics; to illuminate the DEM; have 
functions to edit, rotate and mirror DEMs. 
The non-radar software includes mainly the handling of input and 
output data and is not specific to SAR-application. It may, however, 
not be available in general purpose image processing systems such as: 
(b) Archiving/Retrieval; 
(c) DEM manipulations. 
The radar software should include several specific capabilities such as 
(d) Ground control management; 
(e) Single image setup; 
(f) Stereo-viewing of SAR soft copies; 
(g) Stereo model setup; 
(h) Radar image simulation; 
(i) Stereo ortho image production; 
2.4 Ground Control Management 
This is not specifically radar relevant. It permits one to enter map 
points into the computer, either from a keyboard or by manual 
digitizing. In addition one needs to name, edit, organize, store and 
retrieve the ground control data such as points (GCP). 
2.5 Single Image Setup 
This represents functions to input available parameters of the sensor 
platform, and of the sensor itself. Examples include: flight 
recordings and processing parameters, GCPs have to be accepted and 
used for further calculations, e.g. a resection in space. One can 
relate a map to an image supporting this by automated map-to-image 
correspondence techniques. 
2.6 Stereo-Viewing of SAR Soft Copy Images 
A digital stereo viewer commonly consists of a display or pair of 
displays presenting 2 image segments, and a pair of movable cursors. 
This needs to be complemented by software to maintain a parallax-free 
stereo impression.

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