Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 1)

Symposium on Remote Sensing for Resources Development and Environmental Management / Enschede / August 1986 
Table of contents 
1 Visible and infrared data 
Structural information of the landscape as ground truth for the interpretation of satellite imagery 3 
Interpretation of classification results of a multiple data set 9 
Helmut Beissmann & Manfred F.Buchroithner 
Digital processing of airborne MSS data for forest cover types classification 15 
Kuo-mu Chiao, Yeong-kuan Chen & Hann-chin Shieh 
Methods of contour-line processing of photographs for automated forest mapping 19 
Detection of subpixel woody features in simulated SPOT imagery 23 
Patricia G.Foschi 
A GIS-based image processing system for agricultural purposes (GIPS/ALP) - A discussion on 
its concept 27 
J.Jin King Liu 
Image optimization versus classification - An application oriented comparison of diiferent 
methods by use of Thematic Mapper data 31 
Hermann Kaufmann & Bert hold Pfeiffer 
Thematic mapping and data analysis for resource management using the Stereo ZTS VM 37 
Kurt H.Kreckel & George J. Jaynes 
Comparison of classification results of original and preprocessed satellite data 41 
Barbara Kugler & Rüdiger Tauch 
Airphoto map control with Landsat - An alternative to the slotted templet method 47 
New approach to semi-automatically generate digital elevation data by using a vidicon camera 51 
C.C.Lin, A. J. Chen & D.C.Chem 
Man-machine interactive classification technique for land cover mapping with TM imagery 57 
Shunji Murai, Ryuji Matsuoka & Kazuyuli Motohashi 
Space photomaps - Their compilation and peculiarities of geographical application 59 

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