Hie three major objectives of this investigation are
as follows:
1) . To evaluate the digital image
processing system most capable of
discriminating lithologies in this
tropical enivronment.
2) . To evaluate the digital
image processing system most
appropriate for the structural
geologic investigation.
3) . To assess the capabilites of SIR-A
imagery as a complement to Landsat
imagery for this geological investi
Hie regional geology of West Java may be overviewed
through Van Bemnelen's physiographic map of West Java
(1949) (Fig.:2) in which the island is divided into
four physiographic zones and one active volcanic
chain. Each of the zones exhibits typical
geomorphologic characteristics amenable to Landsat and
SIR-A imagery analysis. Hie 40 km. wide plain of
Jakarta in the north consists of alluvial river
deposits and lahars, stretching from Serang,
Rangkasbitung to Cirebon. The Bogor zone, to the
south, is a conplex belt of hills and mountains formed
of strongly folded Neogene strata with many hypabyssal
intrusions such as volcanic necks, stocks and bosses.
Hie Bandung zone is a longitudinal belt of
intermontane depressions from which emerge island-like
ridges of Tertiary strata. Structurally, it is the top
part of the geanticline of Java which broke down after
an arching up at the end of Tertiary. Hie Southern
Mountain zone is the fourth physiographic unit. It is
formed by mountaineous land and represents the
southern flank of the geanticline. The recent active
volcanoes lie primarily in the center of the island.
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Figure 2: Hie Physiographic Map of West Java.
(Vian Bentnelen, 1949)
Ehysiographic analysis of West Java using the
full-scene of Landsat FCC imagery distinctly shows the
plain of Jakarta, the active volcanic belts and the
Southern mountain zone. Since most of the area south
of the Plain of Jakarta is covered with vegetation and
shows.red on the false-color composite imagery,
physiographic interpretations are mostly derived from
analysis of tone, texture and topography. West Java's
Band-7 imagery, however, provides additional
information, particularly on its drainage system and
features of volcanic distribution (Figure:3). A
relief map of West Java was created based on the
information retrieved from Landsat FCC and Band-7
imagery (Figure:4) which together are capable of
discriminating each of these physiographic zones. The
area in the north with its low drainage density and
meandering stream is the plain of Jakarta, while the
Figure 3: Landsat Band-7 full-scene imagery.
West Java - Indonesia.
Figure 4: Relief diagram of West Java area deve
loped from information retreived from Landsat FCC
and Band-7 imagery.
Figure 5: Regional drainage system, West Java
from Landsat Band-7 imagery.