Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Vol. 1)

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magery and the 
kabumi area 
0) showed that: 
for an area 
; south. The 
texture and 
;ms. These 
Figure 9: Landsat Band Ratio imagery of Sukabumi area and their interpretations on 
lithologic discriminations, a) Ratio 5/4 imagery, b) Ratio 5/4 interpretation, c) Ratio 
7/5 imagery, d) Ratio 7/5 interpretation, e) Ratio 7/6 imagery, f) Ratio 7/6 
indications, along with evidence of hot springs along 
the Cimandiri River and lineaments within the Jairpang 
volcanic breccias indicate the presence of fault zone 
along the river. 
2). In general, the discriminations between 
Quarternary volcanic materials and older Tertiary 
sedimentary rocks can easily be determined using these 
image processing techniques. These methods proved 
capable of discriminating four volcanic materials and 
nine different sedimentary rocks based on their 
terrain characteristics and their processed image 

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