Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 1)

Figure lfe: Landsat lineaments, Sukabumi area. 
West Java. 
Figure 19 : Hie structural geologic map of Sukabumi 
area. West Java. 
Figure 17: Rose diagrams, veins, faults and lineam 
ents, Sukabumi area, a) quartz veins (Sukamto,1967) 
b) faults & fractures, c) quartz veins (Tresnahadi, 
1981), d) landsat lineaments. 
Figure lb: Model of stress system with its fault 
types and extenticnal fracture possibilities. 
(Synthesized from: Billings,1972, Hobb et al,1976 
Bark,1983 and Tjia,1972). 
East where it dies out under the recent volcanic 
materials, while to the West, this fault creates 
splays in the direction of the Cimandiri fault zone. 
The Shuttle Imaging Radar-A (SIR-A) imagery of West 
Java area increases the topographic details of this 
vegetated region because of its low depression angle 
which cause highlights and shadows that enphasize 
subtle topographic features which may be the 
expression of geologic features. The SIR-A system is 
a synthesis aperture radar system with a wavelength of 
23.5 cm., a spatial resolution of 38m., it used the 
Space Shuttle Columbia as its platform from an 
altitude of 250 km. and on orbital inclination of 38 
degrees (Sabins,1983). Looking at SIR-A imagery of 
West Java area on the direction opposite to the radar 
look-direction (Figure:23) shows the continuation of 
the ridges of the Cimandiri fault zone in N-E, ENE-WSV> 
direction, the radial drainage patterns around most of 
the recent volcanoes, the south dipping of the 
sedimentary rocks belonging to the Southern Mountain 
Figure 2 
Lenbang < 
system dii 
known as 1 
SIR-A imac 
moderate < 
On the i 
North ran 

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