Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 1)

Symposium on Remote Sensing for Resources Development and Environmental Management / Enschede / August 1986 
Relating L-band scatterometer data with soil moisture 
content and roughness 
Delft University of Technology, Netherlands 
ABSTRACT: Preliminary results are reported of the analysis of L-band airborne radar backscatter data from lar 
ge homogeneous agricultural fields. Examples are given of the calculated normalized radar cross section versus 
incidence angle. The main theme of discussion will be this angular dependency and its relation with measured 
soil moisture content and roughness. 
RESUME: Dans cet article-ci les résultats préliminaires de l'analyse du signal rétrodiffusé d'un scattérométre 
aéronautique functionnant àl.2GHz sont discutées. La région illuminée par le radar se compose des champs 
d'agriculture homogènes de plus que septante hectares. Le thème principal est l'influence de la rugosité et 
l'humidité du sol sur la dépendence du coefficient de rétrodiffusion en fonction de l'angle d'incidence. 
Within the framework of the Shuttle Imaging Radar-B 
(SIR-B) experiment in October 1984 radar backscatter 
data were gathered with the airborne scatterometer 
DUTSCAT (Delft University of Technology Scatterometer) 
working in L-band (1.2 GHz). The test area with large 
sized agricultural fields lies in the southern part 
of the Flevopolders in The Netherlands. The flights 
with the scatterometer over these fields were perfor 
med by the National Aerospace Laboratory (NLR). The 
simultaneous collection of ground data was carried 
out by the Soil Survey Institute in cooperation with 
the Wageningen Agricultural University, both repre 
sented in the ROVE Working Group Soils. The objectives 
of the experiment were: 
1. Calibration of the L-band radar on board of the 
Space Shuttle. 
2. Testing the inverse use of a scatter model for 
bare soil. 
Due to a number of technical problems the Shuttle 
radar failed to produce data for our test area. Never 
theless scatterometer and ground data as well as 
flight parameters and video recordings were obtained. 
This meant that the intended modelling could still 
take place. 
In the following the theoretical aspects concerning 
the radar measurements will be described. After this 
the processing of the acquired scatterometer data is 
outlined. Some preliminary results of the angular de 
pendency of calculated normalized radar cross sections 
will be shown. Finally their relation with measured 
soil moisture content and roughness is discussed. 
The DUTSCAT scatterometer is installed in the Beech- 
craft Queen Air research aircraft of the NLR. It is 
a well calibrated pulse type radar which is used for 
accurate measurements of land and sea. A scatterometer 
measures the power of scattered electromagnetic waves 
quantitatively. Although any amplitude-calibrated ra 
dar can be a scatterometer the most satisfactory mea 
surements are made with radars designed as scattero- 
meters. A technical description of the DUTSCAT system 
can be found in literature (Attema e.a. 1984). 
One of the most important properties of a scattero 
meter is that in order to improve radiometric accuracy 
a trade-off has been made against geometric resolution. 
To allow an explanation of how this applies to DUTSCAT 
we proceed with a synopsis of the underlying theory. 
2.1 Theoretical aspects 
In a pulse radar spatial discrimination between sig 
nals received from different parts of the by the an 
tenna illuminated area is achieved by measuring time 
differences associated with different distances as 
seen from the radar. The resulting so called slant- 
range resolution is related to the time the radar 
needs to create a pulse, the pulse duration T. This 
relation is given by: 
Ar = cT/2 (1) 
with c the velocity of light (Krul 1986). We see in 
fig. 1 that the resolution distance on the ground 
perpendicular to flight direction follows as: 
Ay = cT/2sin0 (2) 
where 0 is the angle of incidence. For small incidence 
angles this across-track ground resolution becomes 
very large and ultimately the situation is reached 
where the resolution is determined by the half-power 
two way (or effective) antenna beamwidth in elevation. 
For the along-track direction the resolution can be 
approximated by the arc length corresponding to the 
azimuthal effective beamwidth 0^: 
Ax = B^R = B^h/cosB (3) 
It follows that the resolution in x-direction degrad 
es with increasing distance and/or incidence angle. 
Figure 1. Pulse-type radar geometry.

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