Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 1)

order of 10 km along an E-W oriented fault (G-28). 
Numerous linear or curvilinear valleys and canyon 
sections of the principal drainage, e.g. the Gez 
River (C-21) also indicate a high degree of tectonic 
and structural control. These linear features 
frequently mark the transition to alpine terrain. 
In the nival-alpine region, steep slope gradients 
and rugged relief are pronounced by considerable 
radar shadow and layover effects. The overall image 
texture of the terrain is relatively coarse. The 
dominating effect of topography on the intensity of 
the radar signal obscures the outlines of snowfields 
(D-23/24). Associated with these areas are more than 
a dozen sizeable glacier tongues, e.g. B-22. Their 
elongated shape and bands of lateral moraines are 
important recognition elements on the radar image. 
The varying tonal expression of the individual 
glacier surfaces is obviously a function of surface 
roughness, the physical properties of the ice, the 
surface cover such as rock debris and the local 
incidence angle of the radar beam. A glacier tongue 
on the northern slope of the Kingata Range (H-27) i s 
of particular interest because of its unusually 
bright image tone. This may be the result of 
multiple reflection along ice-seracs, or tension 
cracks, of the glacier flow structure. Large scale 
deformation of entire glacier surfaces are known to 
occur during short term glacier surges and are common 
features in other areas of the Pamirs. 
5.2 Oasis Agriculture and Water Management 
The occurence of oases is almost exclusively 
restricted to the alluvial plain and includes 
Plate 1. SIR-A image of the eastern Pamirs and cultivated areas of the Kashgar oasis in western Xinjiang, China. 
Figure 5. Interpretation map of the natural drainage and irrigation schemes within the study area.

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