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the field
ithal distri-
the incoming
er compensa-
on readings,
ry different
e campaigns,
’ covered sky.
covered sky,
whole sky in
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of spectral
the angular
■ SA 100/300
innel radiome-
.2 yjm with a
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incoming and
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in reflecto-
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owever, this
asuring time,
tes for one
icker, which
ant targets,
herry picker
is reproduci-
sured targets
us structure
ngle measure-
ments, spectral reflection data to photogrammetric
pictures and video signals. That requires great care
in the organization and recording to guarantee for
later examinations to have the data in acceptable
form available and to assure an easy access to compa
rable informations for the analysis steps. Conside
ring the number of plant species, independant culti
vations and cycles, there are about 150 or 200 data
sets to expect within one year.
Data collection and analysis only will be practicable
if the computer technique is already used in the
field campaigns. According to that necessity, two
personal computers will accomplish data storage in
the field. One PC acts in the laboratory for direct
collection of spectroscopic data from the pigment
analysis and for recording of all other immediately
gathered agronomic parameters. The second PC controls
the SA 100/300 spectro-reflectometer via communica
tion line and serves as recording device too. Addi
tionally all météorologie data will be put into that
The use of direct digital data recording allows to
meet the requirements of a strong organizational
concept with adequate labeling of corresponding mea
surements and sophisticated storage techniques to
keep a clear structure in the heterogenous data.
4.2 Pre-processing and examination
The effort for pre-processing varies with the type of
data. Most of the agronomic and météorologie data is
available in the form which is required for further
examinations and they will be fed directly into later
procedures. 4ntp*
Some more work has to be investeduie pictoral stored
information. The photogrammetric stereo pictures have
to be measured stereoscopically to provide informa
tion for the determination of plant geometry. The
video signals first need to be digitized, then cali
brated radiometrically and geometrically and after
that some image processing steps have to be applied.
After correction and enhancement the derived angular
densities feed into atmosperic simulation models in
order to have information about the intensity distri
bution of the incoming radiation.
During the examination procedure there are a lot of
different stages to consider. First of all, the
computer technique provides some very helpful tools
like graphical presentation or plotting of data. This
allows visual interpretation of long data columns and
simplifies the detection of common features or corre
In a next step methods of statistical analysis have
to be used. This is important to detect variations in
the data which have to opposed to possible origins
like exterior influences, the measuring technique
itself or unknown factors.
In a further step corresponding data has to be com
pared. This might be done using data of different
type but from the same sampling date, or using data
of one type and comparing results form different
dates in the growing period.
Besides these more or less statistical procedures it
is necessary to find a powerful way to correct the
radiometric data for exterior influences. One set up
could exist in a simulation model which takes the
atmospheric situation and the geometrical structure
of the plant targets into account, whereby the plant
geometry could be described parametrically or sta
tistically too.
But the practicability of these thoughts has to be
proved during the first measuring campaigns. Already
the first analysis of all informations will indicate
which way to go and where further improvements in
functional set ups or measuring techiques are re
The presented project which is now in the stage of
the first measuring campaigns aims to provide basical
infomation for a better understanding of the inter
action of electromagnetic radiation, plant reflection
and physiologic as morphologic plant parameters. In
the present case this is done to improve the power of
remote sensing techniques for yield estimation in
6. Ackowledgement
This project is sponsored by the German Ministry for
Research and Technology under contract № 01 QS 094 7
and is conducted by Prof. Dr. W. Klihbauch, Institute
for General Plant Cultivation and Prof. Dr. G.
Kupfer, Institute for Photogrammetry, both at Univer
sity of Bonn.
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